Chp. 30 Safer

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"Nam-ra..." Y/N wraps his arms around her, "It's okay, it's okay."

The girl shakes her head, "Y/N...I'm so hungry."

"It's okay, don't worry." Nam-ra starts straining against his grip. Tears fill her eyes as her vision reddens. The veins around her eye start straining and turn purple. "Nam-ra, listen to me."

"Please let me go," she pleads, "I can't hold it in."

Y/N strokes her hair, "It's alright if you can't, just stay with me."

Nam-ra continues to fight against the boy, "Get away from me! I'm going to-" Y/N moves his hand in front of the girl's mouth, stopping her from saying any more. The smell of his flesh fills her senses and her tears immediately stop. Eat it, you're hungry. Just take a few bites, It'll be okay. I wanna eat so bad.

Finally not able to hold it in anymore the girl bites into Y/N's hand and lets his blood flow into her mouth. The boy winces in pain but holds it in for his friend. It's better this way, he thinks to himself, Better me than anyone else. Nam-ra's hunger begins clawing its way into her brain. She rips out a chunk of the boy's skin and slumps down, satisfied. Y/N bites his tongue to stop himself from crying out.

The skin on his hand immediately starts to slowly stitch itself back up. However, the pain still is there and gnaws on the boy. Nam-ra finishes eating his flesh and begins to return to her senses. Her vision is still slightly blurry but she regains consciousness. "Y-Y/N?" The taste of blood still coats the inside of her mouth, "Did you-"

Suddenly Su-hyeok rushes to the two, "Y/N, Nam-ra. We have to go, c'mon."

Y/N looks up to the boy and gives him a sad smile, "We can't come with you guys."

On-jo then joins them, "Y/N let's go." She crouches down. "What are you doing here?" Then she sees her twin's wound, her eyes widen, "Y/N...what happened?"

The boy's smile falters slightly, "On-jo, Su-hyeok, you have to leave without us." No matter what, both me and Nam-ra will always crave human flesh. He closes his eyes, "I'm sorry."

"No!" his twin shakes him, "No, you're coming with matter what, please."

Su-hyeok lowers himself and embraces the two hambies, "Don't abandon us, both of you, there's still a chance."

The two shake their heads, "There's no way," Nam-ra whispers softly.

"Please go,"Y/N looks down to the girl in his arms, "We can't come with you."

"Don't say that," Su-hyeok pleads, he cups Y/N's face in his palm, "Please don't leave me." The other boy puts his hand on top of his and slowly takes it off his face. Su-hyeok closes his eyes and puts his forehead against Y/N's. "I love you..." he says under his breath, barely audible. Then he pulls back, eyes glassy with un-shed tears.

"I can't do it without you," On-jo holds on to her brother, "Don't leave me alone, please please."

Y/N's heart clenches and it gets harder to breathe, "'s going to be okay."

"No, no," she squeezes tighter, "Don't say that." Please don't leave me, she thinks, I already lost everyone, don't leave me too.

"You need to go," Nam-ra sits up, "You need to go now, they're here, the soldiers."

The other two's eyes widen, "What?" On-jo asks.

Y/N grabs onto his sister's hand, "Go, go to safety, live for me."

Her eyes scrunch in pain, "Please, no...don't-don't do that..."

Y/N meets Su-hyeok's gaze. "Please," the boy starts, "Keep On-jo safe." Understanding the gravity of his words the boy swallows down his heartbreak and turns to the boy's twin. He hesitantly puts an arm around the girl and begins to pull her away.

"Wait!" On-jo resists the other boy, "Stop! No!" Y/N looks away from his sister unable to bear the sight. But the girl continues fighting back and eventually breaks free of Su-hyeok. She runs to her brother and hugs him tightly. "I'm not going without you."

Y/N's eyes widen, "On-jo..."

But then another person emerges from the light fog. Cheong-san. He comes closer to the twins and lowers himself to the ground, "I'm not going either." The boy smiles encouragingly, "We'll stay here together."

Su-hyeok joins the group, "We can't just leave you guys," he puts a hand on Y/N's shoulder, "We'll stick together."

Nam-ra looks up to the boy holding her and shakes her head, "How can we? We're not safe to be around."

Y/N lowers his head in agreement, "You guys can't stay with us, it's not safe."

"No," Cheong-san refuses, "I'm not going anywhere without all my friends."

"Me neither," agrees Su-hyeok. Y/N opens his mouth to protest once again but before he can say anything a chorus of footsteps pounds into his ears. The soldiers. He looks through the alleyway and his eyes widen at the sight of all his classmates. They near the gathered group, "We're all going to stick together," Joon-yeong states, "That's how we got this far." But behind them the soldiers emerge and they immediately catch notice of the survivors.

The leading soldier lifts his gun up, "Everyone put your hands up and get on your knees."

The students look at them in shock for a moment before finally obliging. The soldiers quickly surround them and after deciding they're safe they allow them to all get up.

"What's going to happen now?" Hyo-ryung whispers to one of them.

The soldier is unreadable, "We'll be taking you to a safe camp."

"Really?" her voice breaks, silent tears streaming down her face. Finally, we'll all be safe.

Y/N and Nam-ra exchange knowing glances, worried about what will happen to them. But the soldiers don't bother checking their temperature and they are all brought to the safe camp. During the entire time, the students constantly look back, at their old city, at their old life.

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