Chp. 15 Who do you like?

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After singing for a bit longer the friends eventually turn back to conversation. "So..." Woo-jin starts, "What should we talk about now?"

"How about crushes?" Dae-su suggests.

Joon-yeong rolls his eyes, "Well all know yours."

"Oh, who is it?" Y/N asks, slightly embarrassed to not know.

"Who else?" Joon-yeong rolls his eyes, "He likes Woo-jin's sister."

"That's why he always calls me," Woo-jin makes an annoyed expression, "Brother-in-law."

Y/N chuckles and Dae-su quickly retaliates, "One day I'm definitely going to marry her."

"Sure," Woo-jin scoffs, "I'll tell her."

"Wait really?" Dae-su inquires.

"Yeah," the other boy puts a hand on his shoulder. "So then she can kill you," Woo-jin smacks the top of his head. Dae-su groans in pain and the students start laughing. Y/N becomes happy with the peaceful moment, grateful to no longer be on the run.

"Anyway," Dae-su rubs his head, "Weren't we going to talk about crushes."

"Oh!" Gyeong-su smirks evilly in Y/N's direction, "Did you know Y/N has a crush on someone?"

On-jo looks to the boy in confusion. Since when does he like someone? she thinks to herself, He's always calling love overrated.

"Y/N," Hyo-rung eyes sparkle with curiosity, "Who is it?"

"No one," Y/N gives a large, fake smile, Even if I were to tell the truth. Who would I say...Cheong-san or...He looks to Su-hyeok and thinks back to the moments he shared with him. Though most of his interactions with the boy are only recent, he's already catching feelings.

Gyeong-su scoffs, "That's a lie."

"Shut up," Y/N grumbles.

On-jo pouts, "I want to know who." No you don't, Y/N mentally responds, You really don't.

"Don't make such a big deal about it," he says instead.

She frowns, "Why won't you tell me~"

"Forget it."

"C'mon," Dae-su urges, "We all want to know." Everyone nods in agreement.

Y/N pulls his knees to his chest, "Ask someone else."

Gyeong-su pokes his arm impatiently, "Don't be shy."

The boy sighs and rolls his eyes, "Fine," the students lean closer to him, "But only if someone else admits their crush first."

On-jo wacks his shoulder, "That's not fair."

Y/N simply shrugs, hopefully, no one says theirs and my secret will stay safe. "Those are my conditions." The group stays silent, waiting for someone to speak up, but no one says a word. He smiles of satisfaction and lets his knees drop back down. "No one?"

"Ugh," Gyong-su makes a pouty face, "You're the worst..." Y/N sticks out his tongue in response.

Then suddenly Nam-ra's hand pops up. Everyone's eyes widen in surprise. "I have a crush."

"What?!" they all say in practically perfect synchronization.

Nam-ra tilts her head to one side and gives a disapproving look, "I still have emotions you know." The group immediately all feel embarrassed and she smiles while shaking her head. "It's fine," then she leans into the circle, "So do you guys want to know who I like." They all nod and she chuckles lightly.

"Tell us," Hyo-ryung pleads, "I really want to know."

"Yeah," agrees Woo-jin, "I never noticed you liked anyone."

Nam-ra then nods her head and finally says, "I like..." everyone holds their breaths in suspense, "No one."

Simultaneously all the students frown. "That's not a real answer," complains Hyo-ryung, pouting.

She shrugs, "It's an answer," then she turns to Y/N, "Now you have to say your crush."
"H-hey," Y/N protests, "That doesn't count."

"It does," Hyo-ryung supports.

His mouth forms a straight line, "Didn't you just say that it wasn't a real answer." She smiles and plays innocent. He crosses his arms, "Nope, doesn't count, someone else has to say theirs," he sends a glare to Gyeong-su before he can fully raise his hand, "And it has to be a real person." The other boy frowns and lowers his hand.

"What about a celebrity?" asks Joon-young, "Does that count?"

Y/N firmly shakes his head, Now can we please  stop talking about me? No one is willing to say their true crushes and he breathes a sigh of relief. Everyone becomes upset at not being able to find out who he likes.

But, soon they move on from him. "How about you Cheong-san?" Dae-su asks.

The boy momentarily freaks out, "Um, uh, does it matter?"

"Tell us!" Hyo-ryung immediately jumps to her new victim, "No one else will," she adds while pouting.

"I-uh...I can't say..." Cheong-san glances to On-jo, but the action leads his eyes to Y/N. He blushes involuntarily.

Gyeong-su follows his gaze and quickly finds On-jo at the end of it. He already knows that the shorter of his best friends has a crush on her and he smirks. It's so obvious, does he even need to say it? "C'mon Cheong-san," he teases, "You'll regret not saying it now."

Woo-jin nods to Gyeong-suk's words, "This might be your only chance."

"You've got nothing to lose~" offers Dae-su. Y/N meets Cheong-san's eyes. He tries to ignore to confusion deeply seeded in them and makes a point to look away. Just say you like On-jo.

"Who is it?" Y/N's sister comes close to the boy, "Do I know her?"


"I'm really curious~" On-jo inches closer, "Tell me, c'mon, don't be shy. I promise not to tell her." She pouts, "Please?"

Cheong-san starts breathing unevenly, "On-jo I..." He looks back to Y/N, he admires the way his skin looks against the light of the fire. The way it glimmers. He notices the way his hair come slightly in front of his eyes, the way the shadows dance across his face. The light reflected in his beautiful eyes. "On-jo I-I..."

She backs up and squirms frustratingly, "Tell me already," she demands.

"I like Y/N," he whispers lightly. Y/N hears him, he didn't even realize he had enhanced his hearing.

On-jo looks at him questioningly, "Wait, say it again, I didn't hear you."

Cheong-san's eyes return to his female best friend, he tries to think about why he liked her. His mind races through his memories, desperately searching for an answer. But everything is filled with Y/N. He takes a shaky breath, "On-jo I like-"

"Y/N" Su-hyeoks cuts through his confession, "Y/N, I like you."

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