Chp. 18 Wrong

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Back to Y/N...

Finally Y/N has his fill and he sits back, licking the blood off his lips. It tastes so good...What's wrong with me?

Gwi-nam notices and stops eating as well. He then sits himself next to the boy. "So you were hungry," he states, grinning.

Y/N looks straight forward and out the window, "I can't believe I just did that," he whispers. The moonlight illuminates the room, coating the half-eaten corpse in darkness. He reaches to run his hand through his hair but stops, realizing his hand is coated in blood. It shines, still fresh. He quickly puts it away from his sight while resisting the urge to throw up.

The other boy with him lifts the bloody hand up to his face and plants a kiss on it. He smiles, "Don't feel bad, she was fucking annoying anyway." Y/N looks up to him, but is too far in shock to protest. Gwi-nam continues holding his hand, "You're pretty cute, you know," he comments, then smirks, "I could just eat you."

Gwi-nam leans down and kisses his neck, it sends a heat down Y/N's body and he moves away. The other boy ignores it and pulls him closer until Y/N is on his lap. "What are you doing?" the boy asks, pushing lightly against his chest to prevent them from getting any closer.

"I'm making you mine," he whispers into the boy's ear, before nibbling it slightly, then he kisses Y/N on the cheek.

Y/N startles at Gwi-nam's suddenness and shifts his gaze to the ground, "What are you doing?" he asks again. A deep blush builds on his face, Seriously, what's wrong with me? I don't even like him.

The other boy tilts his head in his direction before lowering until their faces are only inches apart, "Do you want to find out?" He tugs hard on a strand of Y/N's hair making him whimper lightly, "What do you say?"

He opens his mouth to respond but Gwi-nam takes advantage of the moment and slams his lips onto his own, sinking his tongue deep into his mouth. Y/N makes muffled noise in protest but melts against the boy's touch. It's a sloppy kiss and he can barely breathe but somehow it still feels nice. There must be something seriously wrong with me...

Gwi-nam slowly starts unbuttoning his shirt, taking his time with the first one, then the second. He slides his hand along Y/N's collarbone, sending the shirt off his left shoulder, exposing it to the cold air. The boy moves his mouth down to it and bites it. The bite is hard enough to leave a mark but soft enough to not penetrate skin. Y/N gasps at the painful contact and it makes the other boy grin. He bites the same spot again and starts sucking hard against it.

Y/N bites down hard against his lips to prevent himself from making any noises as it happens. How the hell did things even end up like this?

Gwi-nam then finishes with the hickey, making sure its purple stands out against the rest of the boy's skin. He returns to continue kissing him but then takes in Y/N's eyes. How pretty...He cups his face and meets his lips lightly, continuing to stare into the boy's eyes. How is it possible to be this cute? But then he's abruptly reminded of his own eyes, more specifically his missing one. He moves away from Y/N and frowns. He'll never find my eyes pretty...all because of Cheong-san. His hand reaches for his ruined left eye and he pushes the other boy off his lap before scowling. I'm going to kill him, fucking Cheong-san.

"Where are you going?" Y/N questions, Wait, I shouldn't care about that. Dammit, what's wrong with me?

Gwi-nam looks back for a second but quickly looks away and stands up. "I'm going to kill him," he says aloud.

Y/N becomes slightly uneasy, "What are talking about?"

"Don't worry about it," he responds, running his tongue over his blood-stained lips, "Just stay here and wait."

The other boy frowns, "What are you going to do?"

He grins satanically, "You'll see," and then he runs out the room. Y/N gets up and tries to follow after him, to stop him, but he's already gone by the time he reaches the door. Shit. He's definitely going to kill Cheong-san. He turns in the direction of the stairwell, I have to get there before him. The boy starts walking towards it and enhances his hearing, trying to see if he can find where Gwi-nam is. But instead, he notices that there's a person in one of the rooms along the hall. And he quickly realizes that it's Su-hyeok. What's he doing here?

Y/N stops in front of the door and tries his best to quietly open the door. Inside the other boy jumps back in fear, but relaxes once he sees him. Su-hyeok rushes to the boy's side and pulls him into a hug, "Thank god you're okay."

He smiles at the contact, "Why wouldn't I be?"

The other boy pulls back with a blush, "Oh, right."

Y/N shakes his head with slight disbelief, "What are you doing here?" He frowns slightly, "I thought I said I would be doing this alone."

He turns red, "Oh, I...just wanted to be with you," the boy decides to tell the truth.

Y/N opens his mouth slightly but closes it and a matching shade climbs of his face. "You shouldn't risk your life like that."

"I couldn't leave you alone again," he answers regretfully. They both remember that time when Y/N had told him to escape without him. Su-hyeok takes in the other boy's appearance and notices the blood that can be found all over him. His eyes widen in fear, "Y/N what happened." The boy steps away from Su-hyeok. Shit, I shouldn't have come here before cleaning up. He's surprised when he grabs a hold of his wrist, preventing him from leaving. "Tell me," his eyes are genuine, fear already gone, "I want to know."

Y/N stares at the ground in shame, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." He collapses to his knees tears welling. Fully realizing what he did, what he had almost forgotten about. I just ate a once-living person. What the fuck is wrong with me?

Su-hyeok joins and turns his face towards him, "Y/N...tell me, what happened?"

He avoids the boy's eyes, "I can't." What am I supposed to do?

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