Chp. 10 Conflicts

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Soon the rest of the students join up with them. "Y/N," Su-hyeok runs up to him and hugs him tightly, "Thank god you stayed."

Y/N smiles softly and returns the embrace. As long as Su-hyeok is doesn't matter whether or not Cheong-san likes me.

"Y/N!" On-jo rushes to the boy and hugs him as well, subtly also hugging Su-hyeok. "I'm so glad you're safe." She turns to Cheong-san and hugs him as well. "You too, Cheong-san, I thought you would just leave."

Y/N's expression doesn't change but the shorter boy winces at the girl's embrace. Cheong-san glances back at Y/N but the other boy doesn't look back, his eyes fixated on Su-hyeok. Cheong-san feels a pang of envy and he frowns un-consciously, thinking back to when his lips touched Y/N's.

"Is everyone okay?" Y/N asks, looking over the students.

"Yes," Su-hyeok smiles, "We're all safe."

"I'm glad."

"There were a few close calls though," Gyeong-su adds. The rest nod their heads.

Then Ji-min notices something wrong with Nam-ra. "Guys..." she starts, they all turn to her, "Nam-ra's been bitten!" She points to her hand. Y/N's heart lurches, I can't bear to lose another friend. Everyone except for him and Su-hyeok takes a step back.

"No, no," Su-hyeok contradicts, "She was bitten by Gwi-nam, not a zombie." The students relax slightly, but Cheong-san's eyes widen.

"Wait!" he shouts out, "I saw Gwi-nam get bitten."

"Are you sure?" questions Woo-jin.

"There's no way," Su-hyeok shakes his head, "Gwi-nam was talking."

Y/N steps closer to Cheong-san, "Did he really get bitten?" His heel pulses with the hidden injury. Could it be...

"Yes," the shorter boy insists, "He was definitely bitten."

Everyone gapes at Nam-ra, who simply stares at her bite. "T-then..." Hyo-ryung starts, "Shouldn't she leave...for us to be safe."

No one dares to say anymore but they look to the bitten girl, all silently communicating what they wish for her to do. Nam-ra watches the room blankly and eventually prepares to leave.

"Wait," Y/N reaches out for her wrist, he turns to the students, "I have something to confess."

Their gazes all flick to the boy and nerves rush through him. Should I really tell them...? Y/N pulls Nam-ra closer to him. I have to if I want to save Nam-ra. "I've been bitten."

The students stare at him in shock. Their faces caught between fear and confusion. Nam-ra's eyes widen, "Really?"

Y/N nods to her then turns back to the others, "I was bitten a long time ago," everyone remains silent, "But I'm not a you can see." He grabs Nam-ra hand, they're still warm even though his have been cold for a long time. "I think Gwi-nam and Nam-ra are the same as me."

Ji-min glares at him, "We can't trust you, you lied to us."

Y/N's expression falters, "I...I didn't meant to, I-"

"How could you do that...?" On-jo's brow creases and her eyes become watery, "Y-you're infected..."

"No, I'm not though, well, I mean technically yes," Y/N says, his eyes fill with desperation, "But I'm not the same as the regular zombies, I have full control over myself."

"Maybe now, but what if your turn into a zombie later," Ji-min argues.

Y/N begins to feel ashamed. She's being here risks everyone's lives. I could turn into a full zombie at any moment. He says nothing and shifts his gaze to the floor, thinking over everything. "You're right," Y/N admits, he glances down at Nam-ra who appears anxious, "I should leave..." He smiles reassuringly at her and whispers, "Don't worry we'll be fine."

"No!" Suhyeok and Cheong-san say in union. They send small glares at each other before the taller of them continues.

"You can't leave," Su-hyeok urges, "We all need to stick together." The boy grabs both Y/N and Nam-ra's wrists. He then ties them to his own, "I'll take full responsibility for you." Su-hyeok turns to the other students. "If they bite anyone, it will be me."

"Don't be a moron," Cheong-san grabs Y/N, "I'll risk myself instead." He holds firmly onto the boy's free arm, "He's my best friend."


"No," Su-hyeok interrupts Y/N, "It's already been decided, plus..." he glances to Y/N's sister, "On-jo couldn't bear to lose the both of you."

"That's not fair," Cheong-san grits his teeth, "Just let me take care of him, okay?"

Su-hyeok frowns, "I got to him first." Nam-ra is really starting to feel like a third wheel, well more like a fourth wheel.

"It doesn't matter," Y/N states, I have to think about Nam-ra too, she deserves to stay with everyone else, "If we were going to turn, we would have already."

"It's true..." Dae-su agrees.

The group glances between each other. On-jo steps close to her brother, "We should let them stay, they haven't done anything to hurt us."

Hyo-ryung holds onto Ji-min's hand, "It'll be fine, let them stay." Ji-min grudgingly agrees and the room relaxes.

The girl then finds a camera and lifts it up. She brings it to her face and presses record, "Hey," she smiles emptily, "How are you mom and dad?"

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