Chp.22 Just Run

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Cheong-san explains to the others what he's thinking, "Since the storm is really loud the zombies won't be able to hear us, so we can escape."

"What if it doesn't work?" Hyo-ryung says quietly.

"It will," he hesitates, "It's our only shot."

Y/N stands up, "He's right, it's better than staying here." Cheon-san makes eye-contact and gives a small smile of thanks. Despite everything, or maybe because of everything, the boy smiles back.

"Then let's do this," Su-hyeok also gets up, a determined look on his face.

Cheong-san flinches slightly at his voice, it's still pretty awkward between the two. But then he shakes it off and gives him a nod. His eyes scan the group for a moment, "Let's split up in groups of two," he suggests.

The students glance at each other and start splitting into groups. Dae-su offer his hand to Cheong-san but the boy completely ignores him, instead staring at Y/N. But then On-jo reaches for his hand and the boy accepts it. Dae-su frowns, Seriously? Then he offers his hand to Su-hyeok but realizes he's also staring at Y/N. However this time Nam-ra goes for his hand and the boy takes it instead. Dae-su's frown deepens and he offers his hand to the side of him. Hyo-ryung doesn't take notice and grabs onto Ji-min's hand. Again?

But just as the boy is about to give up a hand appears in front of him. Y/N gives him a determined smile and Dae-su gratefully accepts his hand, not noticing the evil looks he gets from Su-hyeok and Cheong-san.

Finally, everyone is paired up and the students quietly file off the roof and into the staircase. They slowly march down the steps trying to be as silent as possible. When they reach the final floor it looks empty and filled with darkness. But lighting flashes through the windows and illuminates the zombies' silhouettes.

Dae-su squeezes tighter onto Y/N's hand in fear. "How are we going to get through?" he whispers.

"Don't worry," Y/N assures him, "We'll be fine." The group starts moving their way into the hallway, clinging to the walls. Thunder echoes all around them and the zombies go crazy, rushing around in all directions. The students finally reach the front glass doors and slip past into the outer grounds of the school.

A shudder runs down Y/N's spine at the sight of so many zombies, all crowded in the grassy area. They moan and growl, hungry and bloodthirsty. He forces himself to look away as the group starts heading away. I can't believe that this is real...That something so horrific is actually possible.

Soon the group reach a clearing but they are spotted by a lone zombie and are forced to duck behind a truck. However, something seems awfully familiar about the zombie. Y/N looks back at it and his eyes widen. Is, no, no, no, can't be...The woman turns in circles as lightning streaks the sky and fills the air with a loud bang. She growls and her knee twists in an unnatural way. Y/N turns to Cheong-san, hoping he isn't looking. But he is, the orange vest reflecting off his eyes.

Then Y/N feels a warmth leave his hand and Dae-su rushes over to Cheong-san's mom, a pipe in hand. He quickly bashes her in the head and the action sends the woman to the ground. "Wait!" Y/N finds himself shouting. Joon-yeong quickly joins him and together they beat the woman despite her groans in protest. "Wait, no! Don't-"

Cheong-san punches Dae-su in the face, sending him tumbling back in surprise. "What are you doing?!" he yells, his voice cracking, "That-that' mom, my mom..."

The other boy's eyes widen and he looks down at the woman, "That's..."

The zombie growls and reaches for the boy that was once her son, grabbing onto his leg. Tears start pooling in Cheong-san eyes, "" he calls. The zombie opens its mouth and snaps at the air. " don't leave me, mom..."

Y/N finally gets up and grabs Cheong-san from behind, pulling him away from the zombie, "We have to go," he says. Several zombies now have caught notice of the group and near them, only being slowed down by the occasional thunder, "We have to leave." Cheong-san tugs at his touch and calls out for his mom. "Cheong-san..." Y/N softly whispers in his ear, squeezing him tighter, "It's's going to be okay."

The boy's voice goes quiet and falls limp in his arms. Luckily Y/N's hold is enough to keep him upright. "Mom..." he murmurs quietly as the zombie continues to inch its way closer, "Bye mom." He looks up into his childhood best friend's eyes and finds comfort in their deepness.

Then he finally lets Y/N pull him away from the zombie. However, his legs still feel weak and he allows the boy to carry him bridal style. They quickly reach the rest of the students as they rush away from the zombies chasing after them.

The humans in the group's legs all ache terribly and every breath is a struggle. Moving requires so much energy, which no one has. Yet they run anyway, because even though exhausted their terror outweighs it.

The group makes a sharp turn and unknown to the majority, Hyo-ryung trips on the slippery ground. They all continue running and Y/N is forced to hold Chenog-san incredibly tight to not drop him. The boy's warmth offers him a sense of hope. Even if I can't live after this, at least he should.

But then he hears the sound of an arrow whistle through the air and stops for a moment, turning around. There in the distance, is another group of students. 

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