Chp. 20 Hoping for Something

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Y/N runs out into the rooftop, heading straight for his childhood best friend. The two on the floor don't notice him until his foot makes contact with Gwi-nam's back, sending him flying across the space. Y/N kneels down by Cheong-san and quickly makes sure he's okay.

"Y/N..." the boy looks at him in surprise, "How did yo-"

"Hey!" Gwi-nam gets up, putting a broken shoulder back in place, "Why are you messing with my prey?" Then he notices who it is, "Y/N?" he questions as he cocks one eyebrow up.

He glares at him in turn, "I told you to stay away from Cheong-san," he states firmly.

The other boy grins sarcastically, "Aishh," he looks off to one side before muttering, "I thought you were on my side now."

Y/N steps in front of Cheong-san and lifts his fists, "If you want him, you have to fight me." The students that are scattered on the rooftop look at the boy in fear. Fear that Gwi-nam will kill him.

Gwi-nam chuckles, "You know..." he leans his head forward, "I'll try to go easy on you," he gives a shark-like smile before nearing the boy.

He tightens his fists and prepares himself, "No need to go easy, I'll beat you." His threat only amuses the other boy and he puts his hands in his pocket while walking closer. Then suddenly Nam-ra moves in front of him.

For a moment Gwi-nam is startled but his expression soon relaxes into an easy smirk, "Trying to play hero again?" he asks, oozing with confidence.

Nam-ra holds her ground and glares at the boy. He scoffs and reaches for hair, pulling it up and carrying the girl by it. She swallows a cry and kicks Gwi-nam in the face, sending him back. He groans and takes a moment to reorient himself. The girl, however, takes advantage of this moment and finally pushes him off the roof.

He doesn't have time to yell before he crashes to the ground with a deafening thud. Nam-ra turns to back to face the students and sees how their expressions read relief but, mixed with horror. She becomes slightly anxious at their fear and looks away.

Y/N notices this and steps closer to her, "Thank you," he gives her a reassuring smile.

She softly smiles back and the rigid atmosphere breaks. Slowly the kids who were hurt get up and walk back to the campfire. They all get back into the circle and fall into a comfortable silence, consisting only of the wind and the fire crackling.

On-jo leans her head on her brother's shoulder and tries to rest a bit. While she lays there he pets her hair gently. I wish she didn't have to be in the middle of my weird love triangle thing. I wish she didn't have to get hurt, ever.

"Y/N...?" the girl starts whispering.

"Yeah?" he whispers back.

"I really miss dad," she says, barely keeping the sob out of her voice. Now she didn't even care about Su-hyeok and that whole thing with her brother. Now, she just wanted things to go back to how they were. I wish this was all just a nightmare that I could wake up from.

Then the peaceful silence is interrupted by the loud sound of helicopter blades. The group all immediately get up and close by they spot a black helicopter coming their way. Y/N grabs a piece of wood laying about and lights it with the campfire, a few others do the same. He begins waving it around, hoping the helicopter will see it. The whole group then begins yelling and jumping around. And the chopper gets closer and closer.

Finally, it arrives and a few soldiers come down from it. "Is everyone okay?" one of them asks.

"We're all okay," answers Y/N coming up to him, "Are you here to save us?"

"Please save us," On-jo begs alongside him.

The soldier nods, "Don't worry, we're here to get you to safety."

Another soldier joins his side, "I'll be checking everyone's temperatures," he announces to the group. Everyone automatically glances at Nam-ra and Y/N. They all know that temperature is a telltale sign if someone's a zombie. The two hambies instinctively step away from the soldiers in unease.

He begins walking down the students, noting that everyone's temperatures seem normal. Eventually, the soldier reaches the two and the students hold their breath in anticipation. Then he lifts the thermometer to Y/N's forehead and frowns at the result. He takes it again and furrows his eyebrows then gestures to another soldier. Y/N feels a cold chill go down his spine.

"Get this one a blanket, he has hypothermia," the soldier commands to the other one. The boy's eyes widen in surprise. They think I have hypothermia? Then he moves on to Nam-ra and sighs once he sees the result. "Make that two blankets."

The other soldier comes back with two tinfoil blankets and puts them around the two students. Nam-ra and Y/N share an anxious look and they pull the blanket tighter around themselves. The first soldier makes his way to Hyo-ryung, "How about you go first," as he says this Y/N notices other soldiers going down the stairs and into the school. Are they looking for more survivors?

The soldier starts putting a harness-like thing around Hyo-ryung. Everyone in their group gains a smile of relief on their faces and whisper excitedly among each other. "What will you do first after getting back?" Gyeong-su asks Y/N.

"I'm not sure..." he answers, still uneasy with how close he came to being caught.

"Well I'm going to eat Cheong-san's mom's chicken," his friend comments, "I'll eat a million." The boy smiles at the thought and licks his lips. The action makes Y/N abruptly remember that he forgot to get the snacks from the music room. Shit...God, I'm stupid... "She makes the best food," Gyong-su continues.

"Yeah," Y/N agrees, "I can't wait to have it again," he smiles softly at the thought. The thought of going back to that small chicken restaurant and laughing again with his friends. I miss Cheong-san's mom, she's so kind...

The boy looks up and sees that Hyo-ryung is finally set up, slowly the wire begins bringing her up. He notices the way her eyes glisten with tears of relief and happiness. She looks down at the students and gives a small wave, smiling. As the girl nears the mouth of the chopper another soldier starts helping Ji-min with the harness. Looks were going to finally be safe. 

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