Chp. 4 Favors

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When Y/N jumps it feels as though time has stopped. There's a small moment where he's suspended in the air, zombies behind him, and the world is just frozen. Until like glass shattering it unfreezes and gravity pulls down on him faster than he could ever expect. Every instinct in his body tells him to guard his face but he resits and, by some miracle, grabs onto the hose.

"Ah, ah," he pants, gripping the hose so tight his knuckles turn white. Then he feels it, a zombie holding onto his foot. Y/N tries to shake it off with all his might but the zombie remains attached.

"What are you doing?" Y/N turns and sees Su-hyeok hanging on to the outside wall of the building.

"S-Su-hyeok?!" Y/N gasps, nearly losing his handle on the rope.

Su-hyeok looks down at the zombie, "Just kick it off."

"I'm-I'm trying," Y/N shakes his leg again, "It's stuck." The other boy laughs at Y/N's pathetic state. "H-hey!" the shorter boy blushes in embarrassment, "Shut up!"

Su-hyeok stops laughing and looks back at Y/N thinking for a second he says, "Here, I'll kick it off for you," the taller boy moves closer to where he is.

"Wait, it can't hold the both of us,"Y/N tries shaking his leg again, but only receives the same result. Then suddenly he feels Su-hyeok on top of him and pressure makes his cheeks heat. "U-um..." he murmurs incoherently.

"C'mon I'll kick it off," Su-hyeok assures, tightening his grip around Y/N's waist as he begins attempting to kick at the zombie.

As the taller boy continues Y/N feels his face burn and he's glad that Su-hyeok can't see his face. Then abruptly a sharp pain erupts on his heel and he has to bite his bottom lip to not scream.

At that moment Su-hyeok finally kicks off the zombie and lets out a sigh of relief, "There." There's a second of quiet and Su-hyeok becomes aware of how close the two are. He can hear everything time Y/N breaths and can even hear the soft beat of his heart. Suddenly feeling brave Su-hyeok holds Y/N closer, "I bet you like this, don't you?"

Y/N's eyes widen and he becomes distracted from the pain. "Sh-shut up," he grumbles, but his heart betrays him. It beats faster and louder than ever and the noise pounds in Y/N's ears. "Just hurry up and go," he nudges Su-hyeok, trying to calm his heart down by reminding himself that he likes Cheong-san.

The other boy obeys and the two finally make it to the next room, which turns out to be the broadcasting room. "Y/N!" On-jo immediately rushes to hug her brother. He hugs her back but the pain in his heel sears through his brain. He quickly lets go of her and sits down in a corner while their teacher expresses her happiness at him being okay.

Y/N tries his best not to think about what happened to him but he already knows. He was bitten by a zombie and he knows what that means. But, I can't turn. I won't allow it. I have to stay alive. He looks at On-jo. For my sister. Another wave of pain pulses from his foot and Y/N closes his eyes. I have to stay alive. I have to stay alive.

Suddenly the hose shakes against the window and a zombie tumbles down from it. Everyone jolts back in surprise as it moans and groans, attempting to claw its way inside.

"Someone get it away!" whines Na-yeon.

"We need to find something to push it off," Sun-hwa informs the group, looking around the room.

Su-hyeok picks up a broom and tries to use it to take it off. It doesn't work so out of an act of desperation Gyeong-su picks up the computer and throws it at the zombie. Finally, the zombie is pushed off the rope and onto the ground.

The class all take a breath of relief and relax a bit. Then Na-yeong notices something on Gyeong-su's hand. "He was bitten!" She shouts to the others. They all look warily among each other.

"What? It's just a scratch," Gyeong-su assures showing everyone. The students and teacher take a look and accept his truth.

"It's just a scratch Na-yeon," Y/N repeats to her, tired of her antics, his heel still pulsing with pain.

Just then Gyeong-su's nose begins to bleed and Na-yeon jumps onto it, "Look, look, his nose is bleeding too."

The accused boy lifts a hand to his nose and feels the blood, "Oh," he thinks for a second, "This is just from when Su-hyeok accidentally hit me with the broom." The majority once again stick to the boy's side but the argument continues until Gyeong-su ends up going to the recording room.

After that the students send hidden glares at Na-yeon and go back to how they were before. Conversation starts again and the mood is slightly higher than before. Y/N's heel still hurts and every once and a while he can feel as though something is trying to take him over.

"Y/N," Cheong-san sits down next to him, but Y/N remains silent, "Y/N?" Cheong-san moves in slightly closer, "I'm...sorry that I left you behind earlier." Y/N's foot hurts more than ever and he can barely focus on the shorter boy's words. After taking a few more breaths to let the pain subside he answers.

"Cheong-san," Y/N finally looks toward him, "I'm glad that it was me and not you," he smirks mischievously, "You'd be too weak."

The other boy elbows and tsks at him, "So rude," Cheong-san relaxes against the wall, "You know I'm not that weak."

Y/N grins and his pain slightly subsides, "Sure, whatever you say," he remarks sarcastically.

Cheong-san elbows him harder and Y/N laughs a little. "You're such an idiot," Cheong-san murmurs to himself.

The taller boy smiles, "And yet somehow I'm still smarter than yo-"

He's interrupted by a whack on the head, "Shut up you moron." Y/N laughs harder and almost forgets about his pain, until he feels a jolt behind his eyes and his eyesight becomes rimmed with red. No, no, no. I have to live. I have to live. I have to live, he reminds himself, On-jo. Dad. Cheong-san. Su-hyeok. Su-hyeok? 

The red-colored filter fades from his eyes at the sound of Su-hyeok's voice. "Y/N, are you okay?"

Y/N looks up into Su-hyeok's eyes and he becomes momentarily trapped in their genuine concern. The heartfeltness of them makes something inside him warm. "I...I'm fine," he scratches the back of his neck, "I just zoned out for a sec."

Su-hyeok smiles and Y/N blushes and their closeness, "My bad," Su-hyeok says.

Cheong-san grabs Y/N's hand abruptly, "Y/N," he glances warily at Su-hyeok, but then becomes confused. Why do I feel... jealous? "C-can I rest in your lap?" Cheong-san regrets the words the moment they leave his mouth. What am I doing?!  He turns red, "Oh, um, I mean-"

"Sure," Y/N pats his thigh and offers a timid smile, his cheeks burn in a matching red.

Su-hyeok immediately gets envious and sits down in front of Y/N, "Me too," he immediately says and Y/N is reminded of a puppy.

"Y-yeah, sure," Am I dead? Am I dreaming? The two other boys then settle their heads comfortably onto Y/N's lap and he swears his heart reaches an impossibly high rate. Which one of them is making my heart race so fast? He blushes harder. Which one of them do I  really like?

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