Chp. 25 Fight Again

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As they continue working on the carts Y/N notices something off about it. Some of the carts have the lids down and others have them up. He frowns in confusion. "Are the lids supposed to be lowered or stand up?" He asks out loud.

Joon-yeong comes up to him, "They're supposed to be lowered," he answers simply. The boy then crosses his arms, "But I guess some people have been putting it up."

"Hmm?" Hyo-Ryung joins them, "Aren't they supposed to be standing up? That's what I've been doing."

Joon-yeong furrows his eyebrows together, "No, they need to be lowered."

"Really? Mi-Jin has been telling us to put them up," the girl tilts her head slightly to one side.

The boy with glasses sighs and makes his way over to the other girl. Mi-Jin doesn't notice him at first so he clears his throat to get her attention.

She looks up at him with a questioning gaze, "Do you want something?"

He frowns, "Have you been telling everyone to put the cart lids up?"

"Um, yeah."

"Well, you're wrong. They're supposed to be down."

Mi-Jin scoffs, "Says who?"

The boy glares at her, "Me."

She smiles sarcastically, "And? What right do you have to have a say in anything?"

Joon-yeong clenches his teeth, "More right than a delinquent like you."

"Aishh," the girl chuckles, "You're really getting on my nerves, you know?"

"Does it matter? Fix the carts," he demands coldly.

"Why don't you just shut the fuck up."

"Why don't you just do what I'm telling you to do," Joon-yeong snaps.

"Wanna die fucking bas-"

"Mi-jin," Y/N interrupts, "What's going on?"

Joon-yeong frowns, "She wants to put the cart lids up."

The girl tsks, "He was asking me, idiot." She faces Y/N, "This kid won't let me put them up, he wants them lowered."

"Because that's the way it needs to be."

"Like I said before," Mi-Jin starts, "Says who? And don't say yourself."

"Logic says so then, or do you also not have that?" he retaliates.

"Just shut the fu-"

"Let's hold a vote," Su-hyeok joins Y/N's side, "That's the best solution, right?"

Y/N lets out a breath of relief, "Yeah let's"

"Fine," the other two people agree. They send each other sharp glares while Su-hyeok gathers everyone for the vote. Eventually, everyone is situated and Min-ji stands up first.

"The cart lids should be up," she points at a few makeshift weapons the students have made, "We can use those to defend ourselves while the cart lids make a fence." She grabs one of the weapons, "This is the best way, we'll be able to better protect ourselves."

"That sounds like a good idea," Gyeong-su murmurs.

"I guess so," Cheong-san replies while Y/N simply nods his head lightly. Mi-jin sits back down and crosses her arms as the opposing boy gets up.

Joon-yeong clears his throat and then begins, "The lids need to be lowered, this will provide our group with cover from the zombies." He pushes up his glasses, "Doing this will allow for the most people to survive and require less effort."

"It won't," Mi-jin retorts, she rolls her eyes as the boy glares at her.

Su-hyeok stands up and calms down Joon-yeong before turning back to the students. "Let's take the vote now." The group begins whispering among each other and the room is overcome by a tense atmosphere. Y/N watches everyone silently, Whatever we decide could lead to the death or survival of our entire group? Isn't that too big a risk?

Once everyone quiets down the voting starts. In the end, Mi-jin's idea wins and the students get back to work. It doesn't take much longer until the fence-like barrier is completed and the group is all armored up. However, no one makes a move to leave.

"Are we sure this will work?" Hyo-ryung fiddles with the edge of her sweater.

On-jo puts an arm around the girl, "We can do it," she looks up at her brother and smiles courageously. But many members of the group are still anxious and the students remain in the foreboding silence.

Finally, Dae-su claps his hands together and breaks it once again, "Well," he looks over the nervous students, "It's now or never, right?"

Y/N nods, "We have to go."

The group make their way into the cart barrier and Joon-yeong head over to open the door, but Y/N stops him. "I'll do it," he shifts his eyes to Mi-jin, Ha-ri, and Min-jae, "You know it's no risk to me."

The other boy hesitates for a moment but then makes his way back into the circle. However he turns back to face the boy, "I'll take full responsibility for everyone here," he announces.

Y/N turns back to face the group and offers a bright smile, "Don't worry, we'll survive." The group nod in response and tighten their grip on their weapons. The boy then puts a hand over the doorknob and pushes it out.

The action immediately attracts the attention of the zombies and they growl. "Now!" Y/N shouts out. He runs out into the gym while the others rush out and start forming a circle. The boy jumps into the makeshift fence just as Joon-yeong ties it closed. Soon the zombies start slamming themselves into the barrier and the students try their hardest to fight them off.

"Everyone push forward!" Su-hyeok's voice echoes. Y/N stabs a zombie straight through the neck and pulls out his weapon with a wet squelching noise. That's actually pretty gross. The zombie falls down and in a split second two more take its place. Y/N quickly kills them as well while simultaneously trying his best to move the carts closer to the door on the opposite end.

But he spots Hyo-ryung on the verge of getting attacked he makes a move to protect her, however, Joon-yeong gets there first. The boy pushes her back and tries his best to kill the zombie, but he doesn't notice another zombie preparing to bite into his arm. Y/N rushes to Joon-yeong side and spears his weapon straight through the zombie's head, right before it can do anything.

Joon-yeong looks back at Y/N, "Thank you," he says, wiping the blood off his face.

"You need to live if you're to take responsibility for our lives," Y/N responds, offering a small smile.

The boy nods, "Thank you," his expression remains stoic, "I'm forever in your debt."

Y/N rolls his eyes as he kills another zombie, "No need to be so serious." The boy grins, "Just keep surviving, our group needs you."

Joon-yeong hardness breaks down slightly, "Alright."

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