!𝐅𝐄𝐌 𝐘/𝐍! 𝐱 𝐁𝐚𝐢𝐳𝐡𝐮, 𝐒𝐨𝐟𝐭 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬

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In honor of Baizhu being playable!

The doctor of Bubu Pharmacy often dealt with wanders and travelers from around the world; though none had caught his attention more than his regular, Y/N. 

Y/N was no regular customer. Regular customers ask for herbs for a hangover or a headache; she asks for a soft salve for her rough fingertips. She came by every week, and often when she couldn't afford the personally made salve she'd give him first-class seating in her performances in the Jade Palace and Golden House. Baizhu would rather see her performances as any payment, for a person of such incredible talent is extraordinary. 

He looked up from his current order, and the bell jingled... Baizhu expected to see his regular but it was Yaoyao, hunched over regaining her breath. "Mister Baizhu! Y/N got sick, and she performs in two days at the GoldenHouse for the remembrance of Rex Lapis!" Baizhu's snake-like eyes widened in surprise, "Is she resting?" Yaoyao nodded while bouncing up and down impatiently as if she was waiting to lead him to her home.

Baizhu, in long strides, searched for his medicinal bag and scribbled a note for Qiqi, saying to collect herbs for one of his orders. Just as he was about to step out from behind his desk, Baizhu remembered her salve. Quickly, grabbing it and stuffing it in his pocket, he followed Yaoyao to Y/N. 

Yaoyao twirled through the crowded streets of Liyue harbor, banners of Y/N's performance in Golden House painted the walls as they went. Baizhu felt his breath catch in his throat seeing Y/N's red lips on a banner with the time of her performance. Returning to the world, Yaoyao took an abrupt left, and Baizhu saw a set of stairs in the shadows and rushed up the steps with the little Dendro girl. "Hurry, hurry! I said I'd be back in twenty minutes!" Yaoyao cried, pushing past him. Baizhu looked around as Yaoyao tugged him along. He didn't know she lived on the higher level of Yujing Terrace. 

Baizhu walked inside a small flat and immediately lost track of Yaoyao. But the doctor merely followed the sounds of a worried child. He pulled open a sliding door, revealing Yaoyao talking down Y/N from practicing her concert music. "I believe, miss Yaoyao is correct," Baizhu's keen eyes noticed Y/N flush a deep red from the abruptness of his presence. "Bed rest is often key to recovering quickly from feeling ill." Yaoyao crossed her arms across her chest with a victorious smile. "I do feel fine, it's just this one keeping worrying about a simple cough!" Y/N raised her voice, staring down at the little girl. "He is a doctor, and will tell you I'm right!" Yaoyao raised her finger at Baizhu, who stood in the midst of a child scolding an adult. 

"I think, I need some space to give her a check-up, Yaoyao..." He kindly led Yaoyao out of Y/N's flat, though the little girl truly wanted to stay. Baizhu turned to see Y/N kneeling down to place her instrument on a petite wood stand, next to her case. "A cough, is it now?" Baizhu teased while slipping off his bag. "It's all to it, only Yaoyao acted as if I have the flu." 

Y/N stood nervously in front of him, and Baizhu couldn't help but smile. "Let's see what this cough is about, shall we?" "Most definitely," Y/N returned his reassuring grin. Y/N sat down on the end of her short bed, and Baizhu kneeled in front of her. Y/N quickly covered her mouth with a cloth as she coughed. "Have you been in contact with anyone sick recently?" Y/N hummed, tapping her fingertips on her sheets. "Not that I know of." Baizhu rummaged through his bag, searching for a bottle of honey and mint. "This will help soothe your throat..." Baizhu stopped feeling the salve fall out of his pant pocket. 

"I haven't even made an order yet!" she giggled, reaching for the small container on her wood floor.  Baizhu looked up at her from his knees as she held to salve in her magnificent hands. "I was going to bring this for you," she said while reaching for the small ticket on her nightstand. "A ticket for my concert at Golden House; you'll have the best view in the world." Baizhu laid the ticket on the ground beside him. The doctor then reached for the salve; his soft and cold hands colliding with her warmth. Spinning off the top, he silently took her hand in his, palm upward.Y/N looked at him with awe, feeling him apply the salve he made specifically for her. 

Baizhu felt her rough fingertips underneath his and listened to the steady breathing of Y/N. "Has anyone told you that you have very soft hands?" Y/N mumbled as he switched her hands. Baizhu looked up at her, "I don't recall, anyone but you ordering a salve that lasts for months and using it within a week." Y/N met his snake eyes and smiled, "Only you can make the best ointment in Liyue Harbor." Baizhu's ears reddened from her compliment. He cleared his throat gathering his thoughts together. 

The doctor stood up with the ticket in one hand and his bag in another. "Only one woman in Liyue Harbor pays me with concert tickets."

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