16.Bad news

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Seb: Charles? Max? What happened?

Kimi: I'll kill him if that is because of him

Mick: What happened? Are they okay?

Seb: We don't know, Mick.

Nando: Jos?

Kimi: We think so

Nando: I'll fucking kill him

Pierre: That idiot again??? Did he touch Charles too this time? I'll really kill him now

Val: What happened?

Lando: I saw a photo with Max and Charles in hospital. WHAT HAPPENED?

Lando: Max

Lando: Charles

Carlos: Again??  fucking idiot!!

Lance: What hospital? I'll go after they

Seb: We are on our way, Lance. But it's really sweet

Mick: I'm coming too

Pierre: But are they ok? What happened?

Lewis: This shitty person need to stop

George: I'll murder him

Alex: I'll help

Zhou: What?

Yuki: You don't know, right. Jos has been abusing his son since he was born.

Zhou: Omg! That's so fucked up


Esteban: We all gonna murder Jos, but until then.. Are they ok?

Nico H: Are they alive?


Seb: Everyone! Shut the fuck up! Right now!

Kimi: Bwoah

Seb: You too!

Seb: We are arrived at the hospital. In this  moment I need to see both of them and to ask a doctor about their health and condition. After that I'm going to kill Jos. Is me who fucking did that.

Kimi: Actually is me. But yeah ok


Mick: We understood, Seb. Please tell us when you know something

Arthur: They are ok. I am with them.

Kimi: Bwoah. You look like shit.

Arthur: Well.. Thank you. It's not easy to stand up to a man twice your size

Lando: What?

Arthur: I saw what happened and I went to them. Charles was just defending Max and Jos hit him. I ranted and yes...

Seb: You are crazy! Jos could beat you with the little finger

Arthur: He touched my brother, Seb. He has been abusing his own son for too long. Someone has to stop that. In that moment is was me.

Lando: 🥹🥹🥹

Lando: He could beat me too, but I will still try to murder him.

Carlos: Off, muppet, off! ❤️

Checo: I'm gonna kill this man!

Arthur: Before that. Call someone in your team and tell them to delete the photos in the media. Is better for them this way.  I'll call my mom and Max's mom and tell them that is just a rumor. They was in hospital just for the annual analysis.

Arthur: Please just don't talk anymore about that until they can tell you what happened. Is their choice.

Arthur: And please be kind with them. Especially with Max. He thinks that is his fault that Charles is in hospital. Which is not true.

Seb: You are an amazing brother, Arthur.

Everyone: That's true ❤️🥹

After two hours

Charles: Hey everyone! We are alive.

Lando: OMG I was so worried!!!

Dan: Is Max with you?

Max: I'm here.

Max: Before anything. Thank you, Arthur! 🧡

Charles: Thank you, Thuthur! ❤️❤️

Arthur: Always.

Lewis: What happened? Why ?

Max: Because I lost the race.

Charles: And I won the race

Max: After the podium I went to congratulate Charles. I just hugged him. Dad saw us and started making a fuss. Then he started hitting me..

Charles: I immediately intervened, but he started hitting me too. Max wanted to fight back then, but he was too hurt. Then Arthur intervened.

Max: For the first time I want to hit back my father..

Mick: I'm so sorry you guys! That's so sad.

Charles: Max have three broken ribs and a contusion

Max: And Charles have a broken hand

Max: I'm sorry, Charlie! I'm so sorry!

Charles: But it's not your fault! I'm happy that you aren't alone with him.

Arthur: They both will be ok until the next race.

Seb: Now.. Kids and adults, calm down. Go to sleep. Me and Kimi will do everything it's necessary to resolve this problem with Jos.

Kimi: I'm here for you, son. Nobody will ever touch you again. I promise you! ❤️

Max: Don't make me cry. I'm with my future boyfriend, dad 🙄🧡

Lando: Future boyfriend ?? What???

Carlos: Not now, Lan.

Seb: I said something.

Everyone: Yes, Seb! Sorry! Good night! We're happy that you both are okay 🫶🏼

It's not exactly what I wanted from this chapter, but considering the circumstances, I'm satisfied.

My heart breaks every time I hear about Max's trauma. My heart breaks for everyone, to be honest.

Happy Easter to all who celebrate today! <3
I have one more week until Easter.

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