12. Lestappen?

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The other reason of my illness: Arthur? Can you please help me?

Arthur😇😈: Tell me who you are please. I can't say base on your contact name. I'm sorry! But for sure I will do my best to help you.

The other reason of my illness: I'm Max. What's my name?

Arthur😇😈: Make sense now. What happened? It's 3 a.m

The other reason of my illness: My name?

Arthur😇😈: Nahhh

The other reason of my illness: Fine. Is Charles home? I called him but he didn't pick up.

Arthur😇😈: We know he's in love with you, but the love needs sleep too, Max.

Arthur: He's home. He's actually at his house. Probably sleeping rn

The other reason of my illness: You think I can visit him for a short time?

Arthur😇😈: I guess? Why now?

Arthur😇😈: Are you dying????

The other reason of my illness: What? No, I'm not dying. I can't sleep, I keep thinking about him. I wanna talk with him about us.

Arthur😇😈: So you're not dying?

The other reason of my illness: No wtf

Arthur😇😈: You'll be good with him?

The other reason of my illness: Yes.

Arthur😇😈: Then maybe you should know something. Charles is at his apartment. You know the place.

The other reason of my illness: Thank you!

Arthur😇😈: Good luck!

The other reason of my illness: Can you tell me my name now?

Arthur😇😈: 😂😂😂 no. it's funny if you don't know.

The other reason of my illness: Still.. Thank you!


  A strong sound make me wake up. It's 3 in the morning. What is going on? I'm feeling a little dizzy. I guess the alcohol still didn't leave my body . Someone call me behind the door. Nobody but Arthur knows where I am. Maybe it's him? But he have a key. Did anything happen to him? Oh my gosh!

   I practically run at that door. But I have a big surprise. It's not Arthur. It's someone I don't expected. What is he doing here? I let him in. He looks very bad. I mean he's handsome as always, but looks very tired.

- What happened, Max? Are you ok?

I don't ask him how he knew where to find me. It was probably Arthur. Always him. He trembles and looks at me as if it is the first time he sees me.

- Are you drunk, Charlie?

- I am not. Maybe a little, but it's not a big deal. What are you doing here? Are you okay?

- Yeah, yeah. Totally. I um.. I wanna talk to you.

- At 3 in the morning?

He takes a step towards me. I think he's a little bit lost. Maybe the alcohol made me a little slow, but he don't think too fast neither.
I'm trying not to look at him. I don't trust myself in that moment. He's handsome and right here and I wanna kiss him so bad. I think I always wanted to kiss him. I just smile at him. He sighs.

- Can I hug you?

- You can do whatever you want with me, Max.

I realize what I just said and I want to kill myself. Damn it! Control yourself! But he smiles. He fucking smiles. What. The. Actually. Fuck.
I make eye contact with him just as his eyes darken. Dear God! Can you make him gay overnight? Pretty please!

- I don't know what I want, Char. I really don't know what is happening with me.

I make the distance between us disappear and hug him for a short time. He seems to melt in my arms. He breathed a sigh of relief and a small smile appeared on his face. So nice! I adore him with every cell in me. Max Verstappen is definitely my curse. A curse that I will keep for the rest of my life.

- Can I do what I want?

  He nods. He has his arms around my waist. I try not to notice this. I don't think about how my skin burns in that place. I don't think I want his hands all over my body. Not. I do not do that. He has his arms around my waist. I try not to notice this. I don't think about how my skin burns in that place. I don't think I want his hands all over my body. Not. I do not do that.

I kiss him. I kiss him and oh my goodness! It's feels amazing! Amazing. I can die right here. For a second he does nothing. I want to withdraw, believing that he does not want this. Dear God! Someone kill me. Max didn't kiss me back. He simply froze. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I feel how he tenses up. He breathed on my lips and kiss me. Max Verstappen kiss me. Right now. He kiss me. I kiss him back. Amazing. He is the one who stops the kiss. He presses his forehead to mine.

- I want that. I want you. But I think we're good for a time. You are drunk and half naked. You can't kiss me when you are half naked, Charles.

- You really want me?

I feel like I'm about to cry.

He give me a short kiss as a response.

- I do, Char. I want you! Sorry it took me so long to figure it out!

- Can I kiss you one more time?

He laughs and I feel his smile when I kiss him. He smiles across my lips.

Home. This is the feeling. Home.

Thuthur❤️: Don't forget to sleep a little 😉

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