51. Monaco week- Seb

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Day 1

I guess I missed the feeling. Cars. People. Drivers. Chaos. F1. Home.

After visiting Aston Martin, RedBull Racing and Ferrari, I met with some of the kids and I made my exit. I'm happy to see that they're doing well.

I missed them. I missed them so much. But for the moment I'm good with my retirement.

Now I'm waiting for Ana. I know Charles is with Max, Mick with Esteban and Lance with Checo. So I'm not worried. And everybody said that they are good. So I'm free to talk with my kiddo.

Something bad happened in her life. I can tell. Just Arthur knows about it. Even Max don't know. So it's really something bad. I want to help her. I know her since she was a baby. Since her first day. She's like my child.

She used to call me dad. Sometimes she still do it. I smile at this thought. Not because her dad wasn't a good dad. Her dad is one of the best. But because she grew up with us. She grew up in RedBull garage. Literally.


She hugs me strongly and she stays like that for a few moments. I missed her so much! She start crying immediately. I hold her and I don't say anything. I just hug her.

I know she needs to cry. So I let her cry. I let her cry everything out. She'll talk with me after.

When she's ready, I listen without any facial expressions, thoughts or something. I just listen. She needs me to listen right now.

- I was in the hotel room, her hands are shaking and her voice is cracking.

She start to cry again.

- It's a long story, Seb.. He made me unbuttoned my jeans first. I don't know why. He forced me to do that. He then tied my hands, threatening me with a knife that was too big for a knife. He tore my shirt and then dragged me to the bathroom. He started throwing things at me. He knew exactly how to throw so that things passed me by a millimeter. Then he filled the tub with cold water and released my hands. Just to see how I try to free myself. Then he held me with my head under the water, took me out, then again under the water and so on.

She takes a short break and I just want to go and kill that bastard. I already know who it is. Jos Verstappen. Does he think he can get away with it? I will show him what torture means.

- He threw insults all this time. Then he started touching me. That was the moment when I gathered all my strength and stole his knife.

She looks at me with tears in her eyes. I put all my effort in trying not to cry. My heart breaks for her.

- I stabbed him, Seb. I stuck the knife in his stomach and ran away. After I passed the door of the room, I fell. I didn't know what was happening. I started to crawl. Then Arthur arrived at the hotel.

I needs to say thank you to this guy. I'll forever be thankful to him.

- Come here, kiddo.

I hug her again. She's so small in my arms. So small in this world. And so precious for me. I'll give my life for this girl.

-I'm so sorry, Seb! I didn't want to

I stop her immediately. No. She can go there.

- You have nothing to be sorry about, my little RedBull girl. It's not your fault. Did your parents know?

- Just Arthur. And now you. And in the next minutes Kimi.

-What happened in that day with Arthur?

- He was so good with me, Seb. So good. But my brain only told and tells me that I don't deserve it. I don't deserve Arthur.

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