23. Another bromance

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Mick: Anyone awake? I can't sleep and I'm bored

Zhou: Shut up Mick

Zhou: No one cares

Zhou: You should be happy to be in this group, you're not even on the grid this season

Zhou: Because you don't deserve a seat!

Mick: Um.. Sorry! I.. Sorry!

K-mag: You should shut up Zhou!

K-mag: Mick deserve a seat you fucker

K-mag: Don't talk shit about Mick you fucking idiot

K-mag: I'm so gonna kill you

K-mag: What? You boyfriend didn't fuck you properly?

K-mag: What are these frustrations?

Mick: Don't insult him, Kev. It's his opinion, it's okay

K-mag: No, it's not Mick. I didn't teach you like that

K-mag: Fucking insult him! He deserves

K-mag: Where are you now you fucking idiot

K-mag: I used to like you, but now?

K-mag: Now I hate you with all I have

K-mag: Talk like that about Mick again and your family will cry at your grave.

Mick: Kev, please!

K-mag: No, Mick, no! It's gone too far! If your father could come to your races, you wouldn't be in this position anymore.

K-mag: You think Mick is alone? No! Never! I'm always here for him

K-mag: He was too nice to everyone. He has feelings too. And he can be angry sometimes. He has bad days too. But never spill them on someone else

K-mag: So you should shut up, Zhou

Mick: Thank you, Kev! 💖

K-mag: Always, mate! 🤎

K-mag: Don't let them took you down, Mick

Mick: I won't, I promise!

K-mag: If you want, I can come to stay with you

Mick: What about Nico?

K-mag: He don't mind. He sleeps like a war veteran

Mick: Like in the picture you send me last week? What a silly position! 😂

K-mag: Exactly like that one 😂😂

Esteban: Don't worry, K-mag. I will go and stay with him.

Esteban: I don't wanna talk about that too much, Zhou. You know why? Because I will fucking kill you. Literally. Don't talk about Mick like that again. Ever. Meet me on track.

Esteban: Do you want something, Mick? I'm on my way.

Mick: No, no. Thank you, Esteban! ❤️❤️

Esteban: Love you ❤️

K-mag: You should move together

Max: Shut the fuck up Zhou

Max: "No one cares" I DO, WE ALL DO

Max: Don't talk like that about Mick again! Maybe he's too nice to do something, but I'm not.

Charles: It's 3 in the morning, I was woken up by the messages on this group, but I still can kill you Zhou

Kimi: Bwoah

Kimi: You are a fucking idiot, Zhou

Kimi: Seb will not ask why you are mad in this situation

Kimi: He just simply will kill you

Kimi: And I will help

Seb: Who do you think you are?

Seb: Don't fucking talk about my child like that ever again

Seb: You think Mick is alone? You think he doesn't have someone in this fucking group chat?

Seb: Before anything and anyone, he have me. Mick have me, Zhou.

Seb: Do you know what I'll do for him? FUCKING ANYTHING.

Seb: Don't talk with him like that or I will fucking kill you!

Kimi: And I will help

Seb: Shut up!

Kimi: I know, love, I know ❤️

Mick: Thank you guys! Really ❤️

Nando: What a fucking idiot! Say sorry, Zhou!

Val: Sorry for that! He's not himself in that moment! Sorry Mick!

Mick: It's okay! I hope he will be alright!

Arthur: Talk with Mick like that one more time and you'll see why I warned Max about my anger issues when it's comes to Charles. It's almost as bad when it comes to Mick

Not hate to Zhou. I like him! But It's just for my story
Love you all

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