46. France, but not in the city of love

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I'm starting to think that our stopover in France is not such a good idea. I had so many interviews. I'm tired of talking now.

Ana and I stay at the same hotel. Different rooms. And Charles and Max share a room in the hotel next to us.

In my head I kept hearing Ana Ana Ana Ana Ana. And I don't like this feeling. Yes, I always think of her. Always. But this time I have a very strange feeling. I just wanted to enjoy some time with her. Something tells me it won't happen like that.

I am impatiently waiting for the elevator to reach the 5th floor. I come out like a tornado when the doors open as little as possible and rush to Ana's room.

My heart drops. I feel pain in my whole body. No. NO! No! That's not true. That's not happening. Please don't! Please! No! No! I run towards her.

Her shirt is torn and it's not even on her that much. I can see that a bra strap is also broken. Her jeans are unbuttoned. She cries and trembles while she crawls towards me.

She whispers my name even though she hasn't seen me yet. I want to burn the whole world right now.

I reach her and fall to my knees. Only then did she notice me. She sighs and hugs me hard.

- Mon amour. What happened? What's going on?

She doesn't respond.

- Try to follow my breath, alright? I'm here now. I'm here, love.

I try to breathe deeply and long so that she can follow my example. It seems she can't breathe anymore. I don't know how well I'm doing. I feel like every bone in me is grinding. But her breathing is improving, so I'm on the right track.

I want to go there and kill whoever is there. I want to kill that person slowly and painfully. The person who touched the most innocent person. The most beautiful soul.

- Please, Arthur. Please! she cries out.

Ana is the most important person now. I have to get her out of here. I give her my jacket and hold her in my arms. She tightens and becomes small in my arms. My heart hurts for her.

She tries to cling to me as if I am her release. It's like she's trying to become one with me.

Little does she know that she is already imprinted in my body. In my heart. In my head. She is everywhere in my being.

So when she tries to get more close to me, I pull her close to me. It's impossible to get her more close, but I need her to see that I'm with her.

- I'm here now, mon amour. You're safe now.

I'm trying to talk with her. To tell her that I'll help her. That she's not alone now. In response, he puts his head deeper into my neck.

I'm heading to Max and Charles' hotel room. They are gone until the next day.


I put her on the bed and immediately go to fill the tub with hot water. I'm shaking too.

When I return to her, she is already in another world. I don't want you to scare her worse, so I slowly approach her.

- Ana?

She blinks.

- Can I touch you, mon amour?

Now she looks at me and looks terrified. My heart drops again and I want to beat myself.

- Not like that. Can I be near you? Can I help you get rid of these clothes and take a bath? I can call someone from the hotel.

Her gaze warms up. I want to cry.

- I can close my eyes. And just to be beside you.

She nods her head negatively.

- Help me, Thuthur. her voice cracks.

And it's not about helping her with the bath. It's about everything. I am grateful that she lets me be here for her. I take her in my arms and I start to undress her.

I can feel her tense up. Not because she is afraid, but because it would be the first time I would see her full undressed. I can't let her feel like that now.

So I take her and go with her to the bathroom. I put her on the edge of the bathtub and make sure that all her weight is supported by me. And I close my eyes. I hear her crying again. But this time it doesn't last long. This time she doesn't cry for what happened. She only cries because I understood her feelings and closed my eyes. God!

I do everything I have to do with my eyes closed. With her help sometimes, but we manage together.

And it's nothing sexual this time. Nothing. Not for a little moment. It's just me who tries to erase all the touches out of her body.

She still doesn't talk about what happened. And I'm not pressuring her at all. She just whisper my name time to time.

I see how her mind flies to dark places so I start talking about my childhood. About my favorite days with Charles, papa and Enzo.

She listens to me curiously and I see in her eyes that she thanks me.

I stayed in the bathroom as long as she needed. I didn't even bother to take her out of the tub until she initiated it. And I always asked her if it was okay to do something. She always said yes to my touch.

She fell asleep in my arms crying. She didn't have nightmares, but she flinched at every sound.

Seb sent me a message asking me about Ana. He is worried because she has not answered his calls. I didn't tell him anything, it's not my story. I only told him that Ana is with me and that he should come to Monaco. I know for sure it will be there. He loves Ana.

I love her too. I love her so much sometimes it hurts.

I stayed awake and tried to show Ana that I was by her side and that nothing would happen to her even if she was sleeping. At the same time I tried not to do anything too much.

I think about what happened. And in every situation it was one person. Jos Verstappen.

Hey hey hey!

What do you think? I missed Arthur the main character so yeah.

How's going? Hope you have a good day!

Love y'all 🧡

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