22. School

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Ana: Hello hey hi

Arthur: Hey! Who's dying?

Ana: Arthur!

Arthur: Ana!

Seb: Hello! Are you okay? Did you broke something again?

Kimi: Bwoah

Max: Hi, Ana! 🙄

Charles: Max!

Ana: Sorry guys! But at least Jos is banned now

Max: Are you okay?

Ana: Yes! Thank you! No, Seb. I still have that toe broken. It's enough for me

Lando: Did the Capri Sun helped?

Ana: Yes, Lando. Thank you

Lando: 🥰🥰🥰

Lance: What happened?

Ana: I just wanna say something

Mick: ARE YOU OKAY ? 🥹

Ana: Yes, Mick. I am. Thank you 🧡

Mick: 💜

Esteban: Hey!

Arthur: Hey!

Max: 🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣

Charles: Oh my 😳


Kimi: Bwoah. #Kimiapproved

Ana: It's like Jesus just appeared in my face, but better 🥹

Oscar: Who are you?

Logan: Yeah

Nyck: Yeah 🤨

Arthur: She's the boss. When she don't have time for us, we don't talk here.

Val: She didn't have time in the past few days

Ana: Sorry guys! I'm really sorry!

Lewis: It's okay to have your time. We know about your problems.

Seb: And we understand. You know you can always talk with me

Ana: Thank you! 💗

Ana: I wanted to say that I don't have that much free time now

Ana: And the school is killing me. The penultimate year of high school is harder than I expected.

Ana: Next week I have a test in math, geography, economics, language and literature, history.. I prepared for each one, so I didn't have the necessary energy to write

Ana: Sorry!

Pierre: It's okay! Good luck! 🥰

Yuki: Good luck!💓

Arthur: You don't need luck, you're ready for the next week ❤️

Ana: Thank you! ❤️

Nando: 🤮 School🤮

Nando: Good luck! 🥳

Seb: I know you can 🧡

Charles: You go girl! I'm sure you're gonna kill it! 🥳🥳🫡🥰


George: Charles said only FACTS

Alex: We understand the situation, Ana. Good luck next week!

Ana: Thank you so much guys! 🥹

Checo: Good luck! If something is happening, just said you are the daughter of THE MEXICAN MINISTER OF DEFENSE

Ana: Will do 😂😂

K-mag: Good luck! 🤗 Don't smash the door 🫡

Nico H: Good luck! 🤭 She won't, idiot

Nico R: Good luck!

Lewis: Good luck, Ana! 🧡

Zhou: Good luck!


Carlos: Good luck girl! 🥰


Ana: 😂😂😂🧡

Seb: Good luck! Don't be hard on yourself🤗💗

Kimi: Just say Bwoah and will be okay ✅

Val: Good luck! 🤎🤎

Mick: Good luck, Ana! Just be calm. You're ready for this 💖

Ana: Thank you so so much guys 🥹🥹💖💖💗

Lance: GOOD LUCK 🥰🥳

Esteban: Good luck! 🤓🤓🥰

Ana: Thank you 🥹💖💖

Ana: I promise a chapter a little bit later 🫡  Will have some bromance 🫣

Ana: Bye guys! 💖

Everyone: Byeee 🥰

Arthur: Bye, Ana! ❤️

Ana: Bye, Arthur! ❤️

Max: 👀

Charles: 👀🫣

Hey hey! Sorry for not posting! School is killing me . I promise the next week I will post more often! At least, I'll try

You see what I did with Arthur? 🤭

I think this chapter is more for me, because I really need this. The life in the past few days was good, healing, but in the same time everything hurts. I write that just to say that I'm here if anyone needs to talk with somebody. I'm here! I can always listen and try to help.

The next chapter will be post today, but a little bit later.

Thank you for everything! Thank you all!

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