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Lance: Well.. it's been a while

Lando: I'm wondering why 🙄🙄

Carlos: Yes. Why, Ana?

Val: I thought everyone died

Kimi: Bwoah.


Arthur: Don't talk with her like that

Dan: I need answers 🙄

George: ME TOO

Alex: It would be nice

K-mag: I want to know what this break was

Nico H: It's wasn't cool 🙄

Arthur: You guys should listen to her

Arthur: And talk nice

Seb: Arthur is right

Seb: Maybe she have good reasons

Charles: I'm sure she have good reasons

Max: She have a life, idiots

Lewis: I wanna know the reasons

Yuki: Hell yeah

Pierre: Yuki!

Esteban: I'm curious too 🙄

Arthur: Mick, your boyfriend needs you

Esteban: Why so mad Arthur

Arthur: You should shut up, Estie

Mick: Esteban, be nice. Like Max said, she have a life too.

Ana: Hey guys! I'm sorry! I have a cold and I broke a toe. I really didn't have the energy to write. But I will be back as soon as I can. I promise!

Seb: I'm sorry!

Charles: I hope you'll be better soon

Arthur: See? Idiots.

Max: 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱

Ana: Thank you, Arthur!

Arthur: ❤️

Max: I see

Lando: Ohh sorry! I'll send you Capri-Sun

Ana: No need 😂

Ana: Seb? Can you add the rookies after the next chapter? Please!

Seb: Sure. No problem!

Ana: Thank you! And sorry for the next chapter Charles and Max!

Max: Don't hurt Charlie 😡

Charles: I think we both will be hurt, love

Ana: And I'm sorry. I'll be back soon

Ana: thank you all for everything!

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