29. Some action

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I'm in the airport and I'm just looking at Arthur who's smiling at his phone. I'm waiting for Max. We already lost our flight.

I'm so so nervous. I'm not mad at him. Absolutely not, but something inside me feels really bad. It's hurting me. I think what hurts me the worst is that he has to go through this with his own father

I get a message and I hope it's Max. It's not

Petit diable ❤️: Where's your bf?

Me: In his way to me. Why? Did something happened?

Petit diable ❤️: YES

Petit diable ❤️: He was supposed to pick me 15 minutes ago!!!

Me: You're coming???? OMGGGG

Me: Arthur knows?

Petit diable ❤️: yes. NO.

Petit diable ❤️: But your bf is a dickhead. And he doesn't respond🙄

Me: Do you need me to come and pick you up?

Petit diable ❤️: Not. I am able to get to an airport, thank you. ❤️ But my father allowed me to come only on the condition that I would always be around Max

Me: I feel like something more than that. What happened?

Petit diable ❤️: Don't tell anyone about that, okay? I'm feeling disappointed on myself. So bad. I only got 60/100 at the geography exam.. I deserved much more, but the teacher was not in my favor today. It wasn't even an exam. But yeah

Me: 60/100? That's not too bad, Ana. I mean, it's geography. Your teacher is extraordinarily exaggerated

Me: But you deserved more, that's for sure.

Petit diable ❤️: Yeah, not too bad. That's not enough for me. Anyway. Talk with Max, Charles. You know why he did that. We all know.

Me: I will. But I'm here if you want to talk about you, Ana. Always. I know Max is your bestie, but I love you too.  ❤️

Petit diable ❤️: Warning! Do not say that when Danny and Lando can hear!!!  I love you too, Charles! ❤️ And your my bestie's bf so you're my bestfriend too 🫡

Me: Be careful ‼️

Petit diable ❤️: I'm with Carlando in the car. They are cute, but too cute sometimes. If I survive this, then I'm good.

Me: 😂😂🥲😂😂

- How are you, Arthur?

  I ask him because he doesn't smile anymore. And I want him to be happy. After our dad passed away, our life changed. A lot. In a bad way because of course.Our dad. But in a good way after we accepted his death. I always had a good relationship with my brothers , but after that.. everything between us became more close. In special with Arthur. We don't have that much time together, but we're always there for each other. He's always at my races and I go at his races when I can. But I kinda became his brother- dad. I let him have his way in F2 and F1. Because he'll be in F1 for sure. But when it's comes to his personal life? I kinda know everything. Like he's known everything about me. We talk about everything. And sometimes I'm his brother, sometimes I'm his father.

- Yes, I am. But why do you speak with me in english right now?

I'm looking at him in shock. I don't know. Maybe because I talked with Ana before. When we are alone, without cameras, people or anything else. We always speak in french.

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