26. Lestappen

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Simply lovely 🦁🥰: Charles?

Mr Stupid 😱❤️: Wait, I have do to something really quick

Simply lovely 🦁🥰: Okok

Mr Stupid 😱❤️Yes, Max?

Simply lovely 🦁❤️: Are you okay, schatje?

Simply lovely 🦁❤️: First podium and no one asked you anything.. I'm sorry!

Simply lovely 🦁❤️: And the gap time was pretty big..

Simply lovely 🦁❤️: And you looked tired on podium

Mr Stupid 😱❤️: I am a little bit tired, but it's just this new sprint format.

Mr Stupid 😱❤️: Nahh, it's okay

Mr Stupid 😱❤️: P3 is not something big and it's not enough.

Simply lovely 🦁❤️: Not something big? Charles! It is something big in that car! You did amazing this week. I'm proud of you! You should be too ❤️

Mr Stupid 😱❤️: I know Maxie, I really do

Mr Stupid 😱❤️: But I want to win! I love Ferrari so so much and I want to put the team where it belongs. That's means🥇

Mr Stupid 😱❤️: I want to win for me, for Jules, for my father, for Anthoine

Mr Stupid 😱❤️: This year I can't even fight for 1st place in the championship

Mr stupid 😱❤️: Not even for 2nd

Mr Stupid 😱❤️: And with the new Aston Martin car, I'm scared I can't fight for 3rd either

Mr Stupid 😱❤️: What do I say.. I'm 6th in the moment

Simply lovely 🦁❤️: But you are a good driver, Charlie

Simply lovely 🦁❤️: It's still time, schatje ❤️

Mr Stupid 😱❤️: But it's not, Max

Mr Stupid 😱❤️: Anyway, I'm proud of myself. I know I did a really good job with the car, but it's not enough.

Mr Stupid 😱❤️: I'm here to win

Simply lovely 🦁❤️: That's my Charlie ❤️❤️

Simply lovely 🦁❤️: And please don't stand on the 1st place on the podium when I win, because I'll let you and that's not good

Mr Stupid 😱❤️: You will let me?

Simply lovely 🦁❤️: Absolutely yes! But then everyone would know that you have me around your finger 👀

Mr Stupid 😱❤️: That's really sweet coming from you 🥹🥹❤️❤️

Mr Stupid 😱❤️: And don't worry, I won't. And people already know that 🥰

Simply lovely 🦁❤️: Coming from me? 🤨🤨

Mr Stupid 😱❤️: You're not very happy when someone else wins.. I mean, it's normal, but you are a little bit more unhappy

Simply lovely 🦁❤️: I'm happy when YOU win. I'm feeling like I win. But just in your case.

Mr Stupid 😱❤️: I know, my love, I know ❤️❤️❤️

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