49. Monaco Day 2

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Arthur: Before you hear anything else, I wanna tell you something, Charles.

Ana: HOLD ON. I NEED MY TISSUES. I know I'll cry.

Arthur: Alright, mon amour. ❤️😂❤️

Ollie: I need my tissues too. Hold on.

Victor: If you tell him what you told me.. I'll cry again.

Dennis: No way. I need my tissues too.

Zane: F2 in F1 group chat 😂

Zane: To be honest.. I'll cry too.

Ana: Okay. Go on.

Arthur: I know you're not happy with P3. I know that is P1 or nothing. But you did amazing today, Charles. I'm proud of you! For me, you're the one in pole. You're the winner. I know you had some problems with the car, so your results are amazing. You need to understand that sometimes the car can't give you more and that is. Don't be too hard on yourself. You meet the El plan today. And with the penalty... I don't wanna say anything. I'm really proud of you, Charles. I said in an interview that my hero is Ayrton Senna, but I lied a little.

Arthur: You are my hero, Charles. In the future, I wanna be like you.

Arthur: I need to tell you that papa and Jules are proud of you. Anthoine too. And I always tell you this. And it's true. But today... I watched FP3 from our home. The sky was clear. Maybe too clear. I saw them, Charles. I felt them next to me. I saw their smile. They are proud of you. So proud. I swear that I could feel their presence.

Arthur: They was there for you. You are the winner for us. Never doubt yourself. Never!

Arthur: Congratulations to Nando! Amazing job at 41 🥳🥳🫡🫡

Arthur: Congratulations to Max too. You're flying man. Flying! ❤️

Arthur: Congrats Estie Bestie too. P4 👀

Arthur: Yuki, Alex... magic. With those cars.. Magic! Congratulations boys!

Arthur: Pierre.. You're the best man! Better than my brother 😎❤️

Arthur: Congrats to Carlos too! You did a very good job! 🥰

Arthur: Congratulations everyone! 🫡

Seb: You're stealing my job, kid. 🤨

Seb: Your words are beautiful, Arthur! I'm a proud mom right now ❤️❤️

Arthur: Congratulations to my boys in F2 too! Amazing job guys! ❤️

Arthur: Logan, tell your boyfriend I said hello

Fred: Hi, Arthur! 😂

Fred: Thank you mate ❤️

Kimi: More kids? Seriously? Bwoah.

Ana: Kimi! BE NICE!

Kimi: Bwoah 🥰

Carlos: Thank you, Arthur! I really appreciate it!

Lando: You deserve it, Chili!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Carlos: You did a good job too, Lan. ❤️❤️❤️

Arthur: Also, I'm sorry for you Checo!

Checo: It's okay. Appreciate it, mate! 🥰

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