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Picking up her son,Elizabeth exited the house yet she was about to regret her decision.Both were met by the horrifying sight of their neighbour,Felix Grove,biting his wife,Isla Nightingale, however this wasn't the main concern,more so the concern was placed with getting caught by these creatures,so with little hesitation Elizabeth rushed back in,however this wasn't before Leon screamed at,Felix,staring at him hungrily,blood and flesh dripping between his once pearly whites.Leon's scream attracted many more of those creatures much to Elizabeth's horror, rushing back into the house,Elizabeth locked the door and closed the blinds,switching on the television.Turning to the news channel,they were quickly informed that the new Rouge medicine was placed responsible for these people's actions,furious,scared and horrified Elizabeth switched the television off,not wanting to listen to anymore,she knew to stay indoors,however she was also aware that her home had become unsafe as it was surrounded by the insane asylum for people,sighing she closed her eyes,thinking of a place to go,until she realised she had to go to her childhood home.

"Mummy,what's going on?"Leon asked innocence and fear,xombining in his eyes,turning to face her son Elizabeth gave him a small smile and kneeled down,explaining "Daddy's medicine didn't work and it hurt a lot of people and it has also put us in a dangerous situation,so were going to have to go visit grandma and grandpa".Leon's eyes brightened,he adored his grandparents as equally as his parents,visiting them was always made life just that bit brighter.Nodding his head in excitement Leon asked "Where's daddy?".Eyes widening,Elizabeth replied "daddy's in work and said he will be there by the time we get there",Leon cheered to the news,yet unbeknownst to him Elizabeth didn't know and only hoped he was well.Sighing Elizabeth stood up and clapped her hands saying "Right before we leave,we have to be very quiet and hide otherwise people will find and hurt us,think of it as hide and seek,we hide and they seek but with a twist,if they try to hurt us we hurt them ok?".Leon frowned slightly,this was going agaisnt everything he was taught,but he knew this was for his safety and wellbeing,for the greater good per say,so without a word said Leon nodded his head and went into the bedroom and began packing.

Once the packing was complete,Elizabeth checked over the supplies and how much there was,it wasn't worth leaving something out,a little mistake like that could be deadly."food,clothes,water ,knives,medical kit,walkie talkie,batteries"muttering under her breath Elizabeth made her final analysis,this would do,it had to as bringing too much would only slow them down,but bringing too little could also be as equally costing,this frustrated her to no end,she wished life would be easier,yet that prayer would never be heeded until the day she died."Leon"she called,putting her fingerless gloves on and placing the knives in their slots,in her belt.Exiting the roo,Leon skipped to his mother,his backpack bouncing in sync with his skips.Elizabeth smiled,her son being the only source of innocence within this chaos.But the moment was cut short as groaning from outside drowned their voices,knowing this would only be the beginning of hell,grabbing the bag and then her sons hand,Elizabeth closed her eyes and drew a sharp breath.

"Let's go".

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