The bitch and the Reappearing Husband.

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Tesla searched the group to see if any were infected,when she reached the teenage girl she had noticed blood hiding beneath her top,frowning Tesla demanded "Lift ya top girl,gotta see if that's a bite",rolling her eyes the teenage girl argued "No why should I?!",sighing Tesla replied "Because if I find out your infected and ya didn't tell me i'm throwing ya to the infected but if you tell me now atleast then I can provide ya mercy,come on girl everybody had to do it I don't get how you can't","UGH FINE"the girl shouted lifting her top to reveal glass in her side,"Thank you also i'll get ya to James he'll sort ya",Travis gave Tesla an confused look and said "I thought you were alone",Tesla laughed and said "God no sorry we don't usually find survivors that survive that long ya see,and if they do their usually infected so I tend to make it appear that i'm alone so I can protect others".

"Admirable"Elizabeth uttered,swinging her son back and forth in her arms,"Thanks"Tesla smiled,"Oh speaking of where are the others?"Elizabeth asked,her eyes darting around the room,Tesla winked at Elizabeth and said "Don't cha worry ya'll find out where ya'll are going soon like I said if I don't inspect and I put people in danger or kill everyone including myself I won't be forgiven in the heavens",the teenage girl snorted and asked "What,your holy or something?",Tesla gave her a sharp glare and replied "Sorta I went into faith after this started gives you some sort of hope especially since your a ma",Sylva clapped her hands and said "Ok wonderful conversation but can you please get us to this camp or whatever it is I really need to shower and train and if you ask me I don't wanna be meat".Laughing Tesla said "It's safe up here but yes let's go ya'll must be starvin".

Reaching an abandoned door the teenage girl said "There's nothing here",Elizabeth sighed and snapped "Will you shut up?god if you don't I swear to the lords I will throw you to the infected myself,all Tesla's been doing is trying to keep all of us including others safe and here you are bitching,if you really have a load of issues fuck off",this seemed to shock the group but it did work as the girl shut up,Tesla bit back her laughter and looked at Elizabeth giving her a silent thank you,nodding her head,Elizabeth looked down at Leon who asked,"Who's that?",pointing at the figure approaching them,the group turned to face the figure and much to their surprise it was a man,a man who Elizabeth knew well."James"she uttered gripping onto Leon's shoulder, silently telling him not to go near him."Elizabeth I-""Look yuor gonna have to sort your sorry love life later as right now we need to get behind the door and into this room"Sylva interrupted pointing out the obvious groans of the infected nearing them.

Without hesitation the group went into the room and prayed that there were no infected that knew of their were about's.

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