The room with hidden stories.

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Entering the room they were met with a make shift paradise it turns that the room lead to different labelled rooms,their astonishment was short lived as James and Tesla called for the others.Soon more survivors filled the room,causing a rift of unease and tension build up in the room."Right then,let's set up a fire then we can all introduce ourselves"Tesla clapped her hands, silently ordering the rest to work,"James take that teenage girl and her look alike,their the worst ones with the injuries the rest are minor and can be dealt with smoothly and the rest of ya'll come with me,imma show ya'll around".The tour commenced and the group was shown around and soon they were introduced to the main room."This is the main room where most of us reside in,there will be an introductory thingy tonight so all of us will be here including ya'll"Tesla explained.

They soon reached the bedrooms and were soon sorted to their allocated rooms "Ight Travis and Sylva go over there where that rainbow drawing is,pedo looking oldie go next to the bed with the alcohol bottles,the teenger and her look alike can go next to the door,Travis look alike and his boyfriend can go in the double bed and Bess and child you can go with James in his room,I do suggest ya'll sort yourselves out as the last thing I need is a massive argument"Tesla explained,"Anyway i'll leave ya'll to it Bess and child,i'll show ya'll to James' room",bidding their farewells Elizabeth,Tesla and Leon left the room and headed to the medical room,"Darlin'if you don't mind me askin but what happened between you and James?"Tesla asked Elizabeth, pausing in her tracks,frowining Elizabeth asked "What do you mean?",Tesla gave Elizabeth a sympathetic look and said "James told me it wasn't the best between ya,sayin that he was responsible for this bullshit",Elizbeth bit her tongue to prevent the icy laughter that threatened her,"Well he is,mixed some random serum,with another random serum equalising in some pretty terrible mess aka this"Elizabeth pointed out.

Before Tesla could say anything she was quickly interrupted by James who said "Ah Tesla thanks for bringing them oh and by the way Farah wants you,something to do with the machinery I think",Tesla sighed in frustration,facing Elizabeth she gave a quick smile and a knowing look leaving the family to their business,"right then were gonna have to get to our room so I can get this one to sleep"Elizabeth said much to James' dismay,"Liz-""Don't start James,you've done enough".James silently nodded and signalled Elizabeth to follow.Reaching the room they were met with the sight of the medical room and a back room presumably the bedroom."Not the comfiest but it's home"James exclaimed,setting aside his jacket,"bedrooms back there" pointing to the backroom.Nodding Elizabeth picked Leon up and whispered "Leon were gonna be here for a while so why don't you go to sleep for a bit hm?",Leon hummed in response sleep over taking his body.

Once she managed to get Leon asleep,Elizabeth exited the backrooms and instantly bombarded James with questions beginning with "Why did you do it?""Do what?""Make that god awful medicine,knowing full on well that it would endanger and even kill people",James sighed,he didn't have the heart to face his enraged wife"Come on James if you can fight those creatures surely you can face your wife"he thought,"Well as you know society is plagued by the evil of humans and I wanted to cleanse society,make the world a better place for Leon,I thought I had cracked the formula,see I would heal the ill and cleanse the evil yet it backfired,one was accomplished whilst the other well you can see the disaster that made",this only further infuriated Elizabeth,what stupid person would do that?,"Lord and above James if you wanted to protect Leon we would teach him,help him learn from others mistakes,but no the great James fucking Spindell wants to do this great revolutionary bullshit and completely fucks humanity to the point of no return,how does it make you feel?,knowing you failed not only as a man or a husband but as a father".

Before Elizabeth could rant on anymore,James pulled her into a kiss.

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