My My the medicine is a fraud.

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On March 21st 1989,the medicine Rouge was launched,much to the pleasure of James and his co workers,this however did not please his wife,Elizabeth,see she did not believe that society needed a cleansing of the mentally unwell more so the people who wronged others.She suspected that the medicine may have been a fraud and was a quicky money grab,it could be possible that it was precarious,she knew she wouldn't near it nor would she allow her son,Leon. But whatever pleas she had fell upon deaf ears,as James would say "Society needs a good cleaning and if it means putting meaninless lives at risk for something greater than it will be a risk I am willing to take,just think your brother would be better in not time"which would then earn him a harsh slap across the face,she never saw the point in fixing things that genuienly could not be fixed.

Sighing she put on her signature red dress and lipstick,she smoothed her messy blonde hair and stared into the mirror,true she looked rather attractive yet she was losing her youth,that wasn't all surprising,she was a mother and a wife to a rather complex man.Elizabeth shook her head and her doubts,she had work to do and clientele to sort and time was not of the essence,as they say time is money.Walking away from the mirror,Elizabeth grabbed her heels and exited her room and into the living room.She was greeted by a smiley Leon who gripped a tattered teddy bear in joy,see they could afford toys however Leon was content with the bear,for it was the only gift his uncle,Touya,would ever grace him with.Smiling at the boy,Elizabeht bent down and kissed him asking "how are you darling?",giggling Leon replied "good and you?",nodding she replied "Well thank you",standing up Elizabeth out her heels on and said "right then,since dad's not here and it's the holidays your going to have to go to work with me,but you are an angel so they won't mind".

Grabbing her coat,Elizabeth took Leon's hand and said "righty then lets get going",however their day was about to turn upside down.

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