My sister isn't to know.

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Ten minutes of tears passed and Elizabeth gasped out,"Don't tell Holly,for the love of my life please don't",Travis and Sylva shared a look,she had already lost her brother,losing her sister would kill her,"Fine we won't,but Liz,don't you ever and I mean ever die without saying goodbye"Sylva warned,taking Elizabeth's hand in hers,shaking her head Elizabeth stood up saying "No point in crying about it is there?,afterall we need to get to Searle,aside from that you remember when Mother and Father would get angry if we'd end up late?",sharing a laugh,they all smiled,it was brief but warm,"Elizabeth can I speak with you please?"Tesla asked from the front,making her fingers into a cross Sylva whispered "Good luck",earning another giggle from Elizabeth,crawling to the front Elizabeth asked "You alright?you seem a bit pale",Tesla forced a small smile,"Fine thanks,you?","Good"Elizabeth replied with a slight hum,"Don't lie"Tesla muttered,frowning in confusion Elizabeth asked "About what?","About being infected,Beth I heard the whole lot,I even saw you hugging Travis and Sylva and we all know they don't do that unless there was something really wrong",sighing Elizabeth asked"Take it you also know not to tell Holly?",Tesla simply nodded her head,speeding up slightly as she flattened an infected woman.

"Look Beth,you gotta tell Holly about being infected as this will destroy the poor girl",Elizabeth merely shook her head saying "I'm aware but I couldn't care less,I have a mission Tess and that's to keep my son safe,rather save him before giving myself any sort of mercy",Tesla sighed,she felt guilty,if only she had stopped Holly for banishing her sister,maybe she wouldn't have gotten infected,"Please Tess"Elizabeth pleaded,sighing Tesla rolled her eyes,"Fine,but you get any worse infront of me i'll tell her because fuck me you look like a peice of paper",Elizabeth laughed ,she had a point,"Oh by the way,once we do another stop Holly wants to talk to you","Thanks", Elizabeth said,not paying much attention,most of it on the boys,"Know what you did for that boy is admirable,can't believe you did that,can for Leon but for the other,no",snorting Elizabeth said "Fuck me I ain't that heartless,true I am rather icy but if ya didn't pay any sort of attention I saved Charlotte's little brother Richie in that god awful camp of Touya's",raising her brow Tesla smirked explaining "Well that does say alot,that Charlotte sung your praises and when you left god she put your sister into competition for the tears,her poor boyfriend couldn't do anything other than hold her",Elizabeth laughed saying"That's what ya get for being good".Laughing Tesla asked "What I ain't good enough?Bitch I saved yo ass","No no that's not it,i'm just shit at compliments",the duo laughed,this was pleasant amongst the grief and chaos.

"How's ya bite?"Tesla asked,her mood switching,"God Miss Mc mood swing I am fine,it hurts but it's fine"Elizabeth rolled her eyes,irritated,"Just let it go",Tesla sighed saying "I can't,Beth your gonna die soon,your gonna turn into one of them and really i've gotta make sure your ok before ya turn ok I know it's pointless but atleast you'll be some what ok before you die",Elizabeth sighed,shaking her head slightly she said "Indeed,but honestly I don't care about myself,more bothered about Leon,what'll happen to him?,yes ok he'll end up with one of you but still I can't really contain my anxiety",Tesla smiled sympathetically,she wanted to cry,the woman who had she had known since childhood was about to die,knowing she was the last of Holly's family broke her even further,"Don't worry Beth,he'll be fine,i'll make sure of it".

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