Chapter 47: Save Me

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I took a turn through the forest and saw South Korea leaning up against a tree, countries surrounded him, watching for any kind of movement from him. Switzerland looked up at me, ushering me over to the fallen country. I slowly walked over, assessing SK to see if any visible wounds were showing.

A couple deep scratches and some seriously worrisome whiplike and teeth like marks showered his body. Shit, how is he even alive? I noticed that his arm was shredded, a whole chunk of his white skin had been removed. A smile was painted on his face in his own blood, making me shiver.

"Finland, can you help him?" Switzerland asked, his hair draped in front of his left eye.

"I will try... Just... While I am in his mind, can you heal him up a bit?" Shit... If only Sweden was here... He'd be able to fix him... I shook my head, biting my lip as worry entered my head.

What if I don't come back? I let out a long sigh as I started to activate my power.

"Finland, I can talk to you while you are in there... or hopefully I can, but I need you to talk back to me, I can't see anything that is going on." I nodded, fully committing to the part I had decided to play.

"Good luck Finland." Turkey smiled a bit, I slowly looked at him, biting back a harsh reply. Okay, South... Here I come.

I activated my power, staring at the southern country as my sight went black. White and black flashes suddenly filled my vision before I entered a dark house. A light above me flickered on, I looked around. I was at the front door, to the right of me was the master bedroom which slammed shut as soon as I looked in it. Further in front and to the right of me was a staircase leading upstairs, if I continued walking straight it led to a kitchen and past that a dining room, and it seemed there was more past that. On my left sat a formal dining room which had a long unused twenty person table.

I heard the whispers of someone talking upstairs and then another voice spoke back, but they were too quiet for me to understand.

I carefully stepped up the pastel stairs, making small creaking noises as I walked. I placed my hand on the delicate wooden railing on my left side.

"South?" I whispered out, trying not to ruin the blissful quiet I stepped onto the top floor, South Korea sat with another country and North Korea in a small loft-like room. When I walked in, he looked up at me.

North Korea looked behind him to stare at me, while the other country didn't move nor did they speak.

"What are you looking at, South?" North looked back at South, confused but his stare. I cocked my head to the side. Can he not see me?... Another thought rose in my head. No one else has ever been in a dream that I've entered...

"Finland." He turned towards his brother, but his eyes stayed on me. So South can see me, but North can't... North Korea turned around to look at me again, he scoffed and whipped back around at his brother.

"Bullshit, stop lying to us." North Korea's voice dripped in annoyance and hatred as he stared his brother down.

"North, Calm down, South is just hysterical. For now, We have to discuss this seriously." The mysterious country spoke. I made my way over towards South who watched my every movement.

"Who is he?" I asked as I reached South and sat by him. This unknown country had a dark veil over his face, hiding his flag from me, obviously South Korea and North Korea knew this country.

"Korea." I cocked my head to the side and stared at the veiled country. Who is Korea?

"Yes, South?" He shook his head, leaning back into the small one person couch he was in. Korea–or so he was called–leaned forward, he rested his elbows on his knees and brought his hands together gently touching each finger to the other.

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