Chapter 9: EU?!

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I quickly picked up America and laid him in bed being as gentle as I could with his wounds.

"We are going to find a way to heal you, I promise." I carefully took off the Wrap around America's stomach. Yuck... His wound was infected, white stuffed oozed out of it.

I silently grabbed a towel and a small vodka bottle that was on the counter. I poured the alcohol on the towel before wrapping it around America. America squirmed violently away from the towel, obviously this had hurt.

I cupped my hand over his mouth in case he'd wake up, I didn't need him screaming.

"Fuck... Ouch, Russia..." I looked shocked at America.

"You are awake?" I said, quite confused.

"I just woke up, when you burned the shit out of my side." He hadn't opened his eyes, giving me a reason for my assumption of him being asleep. He is handling the pain very well

"I didn't burn you, I just put a towel on your wound... well..." he nodded, still not opening his eyes.

"Amerrika, Why aren't you opening your eyes?" he went still, although his hands twitched a bit.

"Russia, I- I can't open my eyes." his voice trembled as he spoke. I stared at him, trying to comprehend what he had just told me.

Without thinking, I slid my arms under his head and his knees and picked him up before jolting towards the door.

"Ouch- That f- That hurts!" America winced as I grabbed onto him tightly.

"I am sorry." He laughed a bit before whining.

"What is so funny?" I looked down at America as he smiled up 'at' me.

"Never thought -ouch- I'd hear you say sorry!" I scoffed as I rounded the corner onto Egypts dorm hall.

What if he dies? I'll have even more blood on my hands, and I don't believe I have American blood on my hands.

I reached Japan and Egypt's dorm and started to pound down on it.

"JAPAN! EGYPT! LET US IN!" I heard the rapid unlocking of the door as Egypt's shocked and worried face emerged from inside

"Let me in!" He quickly widened the space between the door and the frame as I pushed in.

"Russia, you are two hours early." I laid America down on their couch after placing a pillow where his head would go.

"Hey... I think it's... Egypt?" Egypt looked at me then at America.

"Yeah, it's me, Egypt." Japan walked out of the room, His hair was messed up, it looked as if he had just woken up.

"Has he been sleeping or something?" Japan yawned and looked at us then saw America, his eyebrow raised as he noticed America's eyes were closed.

"Who else is here?" America said sitting up.

"Just open your eyes, America." Japan said not trying to be rude but coming off as an ass.

"I cant..." He groaned.

"This is why I'm here." I pointed to America then my eyes.

"It has been two and a half days," I said.

"Almost three. Maybe it is working?" I studied Japan, his hand placed on his hip as he put all of his weight on his back leg. But nothing weird has happened to me...

"Maybe we should all stay here, we have a bigger dorm than you and America. It would also help us be able to figure out what is wrong with him" This was Egypt, I nodded and America agreed.

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