Chapter 34

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South Korea

I ruffled the sheets, restlessly moving back and forth in my bed.

Small slivers of silver light dripped through my curtains. The trills of birds took hold of the night along with the wisps of wind.

"Ugh-" I sat up, looking around my darkened room. Something is off, Why am I still awake? Normally I was a really heavy sleeper, and I would go to bed early.

The eerie caw of crows echoed through the night as I lifted myself out of bed.

I dragged myself over to the door, placing my hand on the doorknob, slowly turning it as quietly as I could.

Quietly, I slid the door open, squeezing out of the small crack into an even darker living space.

I noticed small flickers of light under North Korea's door but decided against inspecting due to the fact that me and my brother dont have the best relationship.

I opened the palm of my hand, igniting a small controllable flame.

Instantly I was able to see the room around me, Shards of glass littered the floor in front of me.

The normally white rug now had spots of red where I'm guessing whoever broke the glass got cut. North, if this is you, I'm going to be pissed off.

I steadily increased the size of the flame brightening the room more and more. I crept over to the wall, avoiding the sharp glass pieces that begged for blood.

The light switch called my attention and so I tried reaching for it.

The tip of my fingers pressed on the switch flipping it up. It did nothing. I flipped it down. Nothing. Up again? Nothing again.

"The heck?" Another couple of flips and I gave up.

"I guess the powers out..?" I looked over to North's room where the light was obviously on. "That or..."

My hair caught fire, as I let the fire in my hand extinguish. I looked at the ceiling seeing the shattered chandelier hanging from the ceiling.

That explains the glass and the not working light switch- I let out a sigh, looking back at North's door.

A weird warping sound filtered through the air causing me to look over at the windows to see North Korea looking down at me.

"Uh-" I stood to my normal height, around the same height as him.

"Why are you awake?" I tried asking. The fire on my head dimmed before returning to my normal hair.

The room went eerily dark as North stared at me, not speaking.

I backed away from him, confusion washed over me.

The hair on the back of my neck stood on end.

Fire engulfed my hand as the nerves worsened. That was the problem I had, emotions affected my ability to control the fire.

"South, Where are you going?" North Korea's voice was cold and hard, nothing to it.

"I'm just going to go take a walk." I studied his face.

He seemed intrigued but didn't say anything after that, instead he just nodded before the same warping noise sounded and a bright light blinded me.

I blinked rapidly, rubbing my eyes until I could see.

North Korea had disappeared.

Teleportation That's his power...

I stared for a few more seconds before walking out of our dorm in my pajamas.

Once Upon a Time (A Rusame Story) ~CountryHumans AU~Where stories live. Discover now