Chapter 25: Ready, Set, Go!

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The plan was to go in and freeze the beast and kill it.

"Alright, let's put this plan into action!" I said putting my hand out into the middle of the group of us. Russia, Egypt, Mexico, Kazakhstan, Finland, Sweden, Switzerland, Iceland and I all circled up, I waited for someone else to join me with my hand in the middle.

"Come on, guys, join me!" I said while leaning on Russia. Greece had left saying she didn't want to deal with the chaos anymore, so she is acting like she never knew of the 'other ones'. Soon enough, I looked down to see almost everybody's hand in the middle,

"Okay, that works. Even though Russia and Finland don't want to join and Iceland is still staring down Germany, looking for his weaness,... 3... 2... 1... GOOOOO TEAM BEAST!" I yelled and everyone who had a hand in the middle threw it up into the sky. We began walking to the school and soon enough, I fell behind with Russia, but then Egypt fell back to us.

"I hear someone in those trees." He said pointing to the right of us.

"Send Kazakhstan to go fly around and get them." Russia spoke not looking at the Egyptian. Egypt nodded as he walked over to Kaz, using his cane. Soon I saw Kaz lift his wings and take off to our left. He is going to go to the left so he doesn't seem threatening then go to the right. I looked at Russia, and he walked.

"Thank you Rus..." Gah why am I nervous!

"Yeah, no problem," He said coldly to me. Ouch... I looked down. You said you wouldn't love him, don't love him. I scolded myself. Suddenly I saw Kaz emerge from the trees, carrying someone in his talons.

"Is... Is that Vietnamese?" Germany spoke, stuned. Everyone stopped in front of the school looking at Kaz who dropped Vietnam before landing.

"H-Hi, Germany?" He spoke nervously.

"Vietnam!" Germany ran over to Vietnam and hugged him tightly, finally showing some kind of emotion.

"Hey, um... What happened?" Vietnam asked Germany confused, but hugging back. Germany pulled away, looking at his friend

"What do you mean..?" He asked the Vietnamese.

"I just found myself in a town far away, and didn't know where you were." A look of shock crossed the Germans face while everyone watched.

"You said you were going to leave, then you left the school..." Germany choked out.

"That's China's power. He takes over your mind..." Switzerland spoke and Mexico agreed.

"Sí, China nos hizo eso, pero ¿cómo podría controlarte hasta que estuvieras tan lejos(Yes, China did that to us, but how could he control you until you were that far away?)?" Mexico spoke in Spanish

"Yeah, but anyways, uh, I thought China couldn't control you that far?" Japan said, confused.

"That's what I was saying!" Mexico groaned. "Then you should have said it in English or Japanese. I don't do Spanish, fuckrod." Japan snapped at Mexico who rolled his eyes

"Well, perhaps his weakness is knowing, if he doesn't know you much, he cant control you as much." Russia's cold voice cut through the air.

"But that doesn't make sense, I've known him since like the third grade and same with argie, Yet he cant control us...." Kazakhstan stared at the Vietnamese in true confusion.

"I don't know." Russia stared at the Kazakhstanian annoyance filled his eyes.

"Guys! Okay, I understand China's power is interesting, fully honest, I would love to cut him open and study him, but we have a whole school to fix so we might want to at least get that done before we start testing China!" I yelled as the group got quiet. Everyone had turned to look at me as soon as I started to speak, and even after I was done, they didn't speak.

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