Chapter Seventeen

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Harry's POV;

As soon as the pilot announced we had touched down at the Pittsburgh airport, I was jumping out of my seat and jogging down the stairs onto the tarmac.

Thankfully Jeff went ahead and ordered a second car to pick me up from the airport so I didn't have to sit around and wait.

Climbing into the back seat I tell the driver the address Terri had sent me.

I stare out of the window watching the buildings fly past as we set off to Violet and Terri's house.

The last three hours I haven't been able to get my mind to stop racing thinking about all the things that might happen.

The main thing that comes to mind is, what if she doesn't want me there?

What if she sees me and asks me to leave?

I know it might seem a little strange to fly this far out of my way just to see someone I met two weeks ago, but I can't help but want to comfort her.

Before I know it we've pulled into a driveway and Terri is standing on the porch waiting for me.

I get out of the car and grab my things before making my way up to her.

"It's nice to finally meet you in person" she says with a smile giving me a quick hug.

"It's nice to meet you officially too." I say returning the polite smile.

"Come in, she still hasn't emerged from her room, let alone move in the slightest bit." Terri tells me sadly as we step into the house.

"Hey man it's nice to meet you." Nate says giving me a bro hug.

I smile and exchange pleasantries with him before turning to Terri.

"Do you mind if I go up and try to talk to her?" I ask pointing to the ceiling.

"Of course not! That's what you flew over here for after all." She says leading me to the staircase.

"Her room is going to be the first door on the left when you get up there. I'll stay down here with Nate to give you guys some space." She tells me as I begin to walk up the stairs.

As I stand on front of Violet's closed door, I try to listen for any sounds that could tell me if she was asleep or not.

Sighing when I hear nothing I quietly open the door, and step in.

There's a single lamp on, showcasing the different decorations in the room with its dim lighting.

A small smile grows on my face as I glance around the room seeing different pictures hanging on the wall, and a group of guitars sitting next to a keyboard.

The moonlight is shining in through sheer white curtains, cascading a stream of light onto her body as she lays in her bed with her back to me.

Gently setting my suitcase down I make my way over to her bed, before I squat down right in front of her.

I was honestly expecting her to be asleep already, but when I looked to her face as I'm balancing on the heels of my feet, her eyes flicker to mine for a moment before refocusing on the wall behind me.

I was about to say something when suddenly her eyebrows furrow and she looks back to me with a confused look.


"Hey flower." I say softly as I lean forward to comb her hair back with my fingers.

"What are you doing here?" She asks studying my face as if I'm not really in front of her.

"I needed to be here for you. I promised, right?" I say smiling, expecting her to smile back.

Except she doesn't.

Instead her eyes squeeze shut and she breaks down sobbing right in front of me.

"Hey, it's alright." I say gently as I rush to sit her up on the bed.

Wordlessly she clings onto my hoodie and buries her face into my chest.

"It's okay Violet, it's going to be okay." I say rocking her softly.

I don't know how long we stayed like that, her crying into me as I rocked her back and forth while whispering things to her.

Eventually when my back started to cramp up, she had finally calmed down enough for me to readjust on the bed, leaning against her headboard.

I wrap us up in the blankets as she settles into my side.

"You really flew out here to see me?" She asks looking up to me through her damp lashes.

"I did." I say smiling.

"But, why?" She asks again furrowing her eyebrows.

"Terri called me and told me what happened. I needed to make sure my flower was alright." I told her as I squeeze her a little tighter.

"I don't deserve this." She says looking down.

"You deserve everything good. I promised you I would always be there for you when you needed me no matter what, no matter where." I tell her.

"No one besides Terri has ever done anything like this for me." She admits making my heart hurt.

"Well I'm here now, I would drop anything and everything in a heartbeat to be right here with you when you need me." I tell her as she smiles.

"Thank you" she says resting her head in the crook of my neck as I lay myself flat on the mattress.

"You don't have to thank me. No matter what happens, you call me when you need me, and if you need me in person I will be there as fast as possible." I tell her and she nods.

"Do you need to go to sleep? I can head downstairs to the couch." I ask as she runs her eyes with her fists making my smile grow wide, and my heart flutter.

"Can you stay with me?" She asks with an innocent tone in her voice.

"Of course, if that's what you want I'll stay." I tell her softly and she nods.

"Good night, Harry." She says wrapping her arms around my torso in a hug.

"G'night flower."

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