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The Back Story!

Taylor_Swift_22: What inspired you to write your book?

Author: The idea first struck me while I was watching Disney’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs...for the hundredth time. :P I’ve always loved that movie, for some reason (which I still haven’t figured out yet), and then I thought “Hey! Why not?!”. I’m honestly delighted & very proud it turned out to be as interesting :D

Taylor_Swift_22: How old were you when you began or started thinking about writing this book?

Author: Uhm, this book? Fourteen (My current age :P)

Taylor_Swift_22: What inspired the characters in this book?

Author: Well, they’re basically all derived from the movie but I added an extra character—Lionel—for a friend. :PP

Taylor_Swift_22: If you had the chance would you change something in this book and if so what?

Author: I wouldn’t. Being the neat freak that I am, I plan out every move before acting (or typing in this case). Well, that’s saying aside from all the editing and stuff.

Taylor_Swift_22: Who is your favorite character in this book and the one you most enjoyed writing about?

Author: Definitely Hope. I truthfully enjoy writing her every move and thought because she represents the inner me. It feels like I really can express what I would’ve done & said in her situation out in the open by just typing down words. X3

Taylor_Swift_22: What has the hardest part to write in this book?

Author: Hmmm...Ok, it’s a little awkward buuuuttt...The love/romantic scenes, you know, when they’re meant to kiss or something else ‘nd whatnot! >w< I honestly have a very hard time writing those parts! >w<

Taylor_Swift_22: Have you or will you be making a sequel for this book?

Author: Nope. I got no love for sequels; always stick to the original work/storyline. It actually feels like the story had lost some of its touch by adding those sequels so I’m not exactly a big fan of ‘em. :))

Taylor_Swift_22: Is there anything you would like to say to your fans?

Author: Uuhhmmm...(Feels like I’m famous & about to make a speech >w<) Well, I’d just like to thank them all. Every one of them is a great deal of a motivator and I’m honestly thankful for that. Such amazing supporters! :D Thank you all! XD

The Story!

Title: Hope Bright and the Seven Boys.

Author: Emz_X3

Genre: Short Story II Romance II Teen Fiction

Rating: PG-13 :P

Summary:  Hope Bright is a 17 year old with all straight A's and an extraordinary love for Fashion and Style. A typical teenage girl living a typical teenage life, eh? Well, you might want to change your mind after considering the fact that she’s been playing Snow White’s role ever since she was born!

Her Mother died delivering her, her Father got remarried and went missing a few days later, her Step Mother...well...let’s just say she likes the idea of Hope being the house keeper. Oh, and she’s got only seven friends, all boys. Hope does come from a rich family and so does her Prince Charming. Yup, they do meet (a detail can't be left out since one nearly killed the other) but there’s one more thing. His previous princess will stop at nothing to destroy Hope and reclaim her Prince Charming.

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