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The Back Story

Taylor_Swift_22: What inspired you to write your book?

Author: To be honest, I was at work vaccuming when I suddenly had the thought, "What would we do if we all suddenly became infertile?" and the story just kept growing from there.

Taylor_Swift_22: How old were you when you began or started thinking about writing this book?

Author: I starting thinking and writing this book this year. I am 20 now, I will be 21 in July.

Taylor_Swift_22: What inspired the charaters in this book?

Author: Lennon was inspired by what I would like my own son to be like, if or when I have kids. Elena was created after much thought, I didn't want a weak female lead, nor did I want one that was too strong for her own good, and I wanted her to be naive, after all, she's only seventeen. And Director Gilmore was inspired by my ever favorite actor Eric Bana. The rest came into exsitance while creating the story concept.

Taylor_Swift_22: If you had the chance would you change something in this book and if so what?

Author: There are many things that need work in my book, such as grammar and punctuation, but I wouldn't change anything major, unless of course, I later found out otherwise.

Taylor_Swift_22: Who is your favourite characer in this book and the one you most enjoyed writing about?

Author: Rod, every time I write a scene with him in it, I am always thrown into a fit of giggles. He's the ideal funny guy in my story and I wouldn't know what to do without him.

Taylor_Swift_22: What has the hardest part to write in this book?

Author: I haven't really found anything to difficult to write, though, the hardest thing is probably to maintain the mystery, i just want to blurt everything out before it's time to do so.

Taylor_Swift_22: Have you or will you be making a sequel for this book?

Author: I have been actually thinking of writing a sequel, as I continue to develope this story, I have so many ideas that I could turn into a sequel.

Taylor_Swift_22: Is there anything you would like to say to your fans?

Author: You guys are awesome, if it wasn't for you, there would be no story to write. I appriciate every read, comment, and vote, it really boosts my confidence and drives me to continue writing.

The Story!

Title: Fertile

Author: MyCalmInsanity

Genre: Science Fiction Romance

Rating: PG-13

Summary: Elena Withers was supposed to die. That is what her time traveling kidnappers told her anyway. Destined for death, the seventeen-year-old (Along with three other girls) was brought over a hundred years into the future where her country is currently recovering from a long drawn out World War III and forty years of infertility has left the entire world at a devastating stand still. Trapped in this bleak future for nothing more, but to mother the future, Elena discovers the horrible truth behind her abduction, and she's not just about to let things go unpunished.

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