Chapter 33

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When the planet's sun peaked through the window, there was no movement in the cabin at all. Everyone was exhausted after the events of yesterday. The only thing close to movement was Katsuki, lying in bed, eyes darting in thought. He hadn't heard what Izuku and Ochako were talking about last night, but he had similar thoughts. They fought the Empire and only pushed them back. They came back en masse and slaughtered those that decided to stay behind. A stealth specialist, Toru, had reported it after they had all escaped. Katsuki slowly uncovered himself and sat on the side of the bed.

"Kitty-Kat?" Camie mumbled.

"Can we win?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" Camie asked, stretching and yawning.

"The Empire. We didn't beat them. Can we?"

"Kitty-Kat... If you want my honest thoughts... We don't have a snowflake's chance in Hell alone."

"So, should we just stop?"

"Did you hear me say alone? Just one clan can't destroy the Empire, just like one planet's militia can't beat them. Should we stop? For now, maybe. But not forever. When there are more fighting the Empire, then we should continue fighting them."

Camie placed her left hand on his right shoulder. He turned to face her. He turned around and got on his knees. He planted a firm kiss on her lips.

"So then we disband? Tell everyone to go their separate ways until there's a grave blow to the Empire?" Katsuki asked.

"Maybe. But we need to keep in touch with them. Recall everyone when the time is right." Camie said.

"What if they don't want to come back to fight?"

"That's their choice. Ultimately, if they want to fight, or if they're done fighting, that's up to them."

He sat, thinking. Giving them the choice to keep fighting meant they would have the chance to live versus die. They wouldn't be forced to fight, but they could if they wanted. He was going to give them the choice.

An hour later, everyone was in the main living room. The pairs were sitting close together, a few were talking softly. Katsuki and Camie didn't know just how to begin talking to them.

"Guys..." Katsuki said, getting everyone's attention, "we've been thinking... we... you..."

"We can't beat the Empire," Camie said, ripping the bandage off.

Everyone somberly agreed. They didn't stand a chance and were a bit antsy about continuing a fight against the Empire. They didn't know what to do.

"Listen... I'm not gonna force you guys to keep fighting alongside us. If you want to stay with us... You can. But we won't force you to leave or stay with us," Katsuki said.

The pairs were shocked. A Mandalorian told them they could stop fighting. They discussed it among themselves, except for Izuku and Ochako, who had made up their mind last night.

"Should we keep fighting?" Shoto asked.

"I don't know. If we do, will we ever be able to stop? And if we stop now..." Momo said.

"Where would we even go?"

"Maybe... we could stay somewhere here?"

"Think I should take you home?" Denki asked Kyoka.

"I'm not ready to say goodbye to you yet. Any of them, actually." Kyoka replied.

"I'm not going back," Mina said.

"Me neither," Eijiro said.

Izuku and Ochako stayed silent. They already made up their mind as to what they were doing.

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