Chapter 7

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Before they could separate, Izuku felt a wave of cold wash over him. He relaxed his tight hug on Ochako, and she could tell something was wrong.

"Izuku?" She asked, "Is everything okay?"

"I don't know," he said.

He looked around, trying to see what could have possibly set him off and letting go of Ochako. Toshinori also felt the wave of cold and also began looking around. Captain Endeavor's comm began beeping. When he turned it on, even Ochako, Kyno, Aldrich, and the rest of the Mandalorians felt all warmth leave. All of the clones also stopped moving. From behind his helmet, Captain Endeavor's pupils dilated as soon as he saw the figure in the hologram. That figure's aura held nothing but evil. His entire face was hidden except for his mouth under a dark hood on a dark cloak. All he did was utter three words.

"Execute Order 66," he said.

"As you command, Lord Sidious," Captain Endeavor said.

He dropped the transmitter, which broke and began flickering Sidious's hologram, repeating the word sixty-six. Endeavor raised his blaster towards Izuku. The Force warned Izuku of incoming blaster fire from him. He reacted quickly, drawing his lightsaber and igniting the blade in one fluid motion. Captain Endeavor fired at him. Izuku's lightsaber managed to block the fire. Toshinori sensed he, too, would be under fire from the clones soon as well. He ignited his own lightsaber and blocked fire from behind him.

"Captain! What are you doing?!" Izuku asked.

"Good soldiers follow orders," was all he replied, firing a couple more shots that Izuku blocked.

"Answer to me! What the kriff are you doing?!" Kyno shouted.

"The Jedi are guilty of treason against the Republic. They are to be executed."

The Mandalorians were all stunned by what Captain Endeavor had said. Had they all missed something? The Jedi were fighting alongside them for the whole war. What treason was Endeavor talking about?

"Ma'am, sir, what are your orders? Do we assist the clones or the Jedi?" One of the Mandalorians asked.

"Anyone who does not comply with Order 66 is guilty of treason alongside the Jedi. You have your orders. Now dispose of these traitorous scum!" Captain Endeavor barked out, still firing.

"Are these your orders?"

Kyno, Aldrich, and Ochako looked from the clones who were beginning to press a harder offensive on Toshinori and Izuku to the Jedi. The clones were unreadable with their helmets on, firing repeatedly at the Jedi. Toshinori was flowing with the Force, dodging and blocking the blaster fire with feigned ease. Izuku... He was completely terrified. He was still blocking fire, but it was a bit more often that he would dodge and duck. Kyno sighed in frustration. Though they didn't believe in the light and dark, strictly good and bad, what the clones were doing felt especially wrong.

"You want my orders?" She asked, "Here they are."

She drew a blaster pistol and shot. The yellow blaster bolt seemed to travel in slow motion. It was going in the general direction of Izuku. The bolt whizzed by him and struck a clone square in the chest who was preparing to fire on Izuku.

"Defend the Jedi!" Kyno finished.

She pulled out her other pistol and fired at more clones coming their way. Aldrich pulled his out and joined her.

"Master! What do we do?!" Izuku asked, still blocking fire from Endeavor.

"We don't have a choice. Izuku, we have to end them," Toshinori said.

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