Chapter 3

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The Mandalorians walked to Toshinori and removed their helmets. The two leading Mandalorians had long, reddish brown hair and short, dirty blonde hair. They looked either a bit younger or even as old as Toshinori. The third one was a girl who looked to be as old as Izuku. She had a bob of brown hair and brown eyes. And she looked like she had permanent blush on her cheeks. She wore a stern expression on her face, almost like she was trying to be tough. What Izuku naturally assumed were her parents walked over to Toshinori.

"Am I safe to say you're the ones who commissioned the Senate?" Toshinori asked.

"You would be correct," the man said, "I am Aldrich Uraraka of Clan Uraraka. This is my wife," he gestured to the woman at his side, "and my daughter," he gestured to the girl who was behind them.

"I am Jedi Master Toshinori Yagi. This is my padawan," he gestured to Izuku, "Captain Endeavor," he gestured to him, "and Admiral Nezu," he gestured to him, "come, if we are to get underway, we need to strategize on the bridge."

They all left the hangar and began walking through the corridors. Izuku held back from Toshinori to walk next to the still stern looking Uraraka girl.

"Hello," he said.

She looked him up and down. She finally spoke, not breaking her stern face.

"Hi," she said.

"My name is Izuku Midoriya."


She broke the conversation rather abruptly. Izuku was confused as to why she didn't share her name.

"What's your name?" Izuku asked.

"I do not give my name to random outsiders of Mandalore!" She ran in front of Izuku, turned around, and stopped. Pointing her finger in what he couldn't determine to be real or fake rage, "It dishonors the creed! If I were to tell you my name, I'd have to take my blasters, shove them down your throat, and--"

"Ochako!" Her father said.

She froze, and her face softened to fear.

"Yes?" She asked.

"Stop teasing the padawan."

"Yes, daddy."

Her face started turning crimson. They all continued on.

"So, your name is Ochako?" Izuku asked.


"Is there something wrong with your name?"

"I just... it's not what someone would think about when you say you're a Mandalorian."


"Well, like, Bo-Katan, Ursa, Paz, Gar, I could even throw Aldrich and Kyno in with those names."


"My mother. All of those are names that someone could think of as being Mandalorian because they carry a certain... punch, I guess? But Ochako? It's got a different type of feeling. Actually, in old Mandoa, my name means something along the lines of 'graceful' and 'elegance'."

"Huh. You know... when I was still a youngling, my fellow younglings gave me a nickname that I hate. It all stemmed from how, four years ago, I broke temple rules. After I was brought back, they gave me the nickname 'Deku'."

"Deku? Is that even a word?"

"It's a combination of 'defiant Izuku', and let's just say I refuse to respond to it."

"Well, I could see how it would get on your nerves."

While Ochako's parents spoke with Master Yagi, Captain Endeavor, and Admiral Nezu, Ochako and Izuku walked along, rather awkward.

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