Chapter 27

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Night had fallen. Izuku was sitting on a bed in the barracks. The excitement of earlier had been lost as everyone except him were in the deep throws of sleep. He wanted to know if Katsuki and Camie were doomed or if their lives would be a happy one. He would need to return to that strange place. To do that, he'd need to meditate. He sat cross-legged and closed his eyes. He breathed in and out. He sensed everyone around him. They slowly began to fade away. He opened his eyes and found himself in the strange starry void. His head began swimming as everywhere looked up and down at the same time.

He wanted to know what to call this place. The Void didn't seem quite right. Space didn't work. This place was a world that didn't seem to abide by any natural planetary laws. Gravity seemed to only abide by whatever paths there were. If such a path existed, which he saw a couple in the distance, he could walk upside down from his perspective. It was almost like... A world between worlds. It was a fitting name. It also had a familiar ring to it, but he didn't know why.

He stopped looking around and looked forward. There were five little windows about thirty feet in front of him. He reached out his hand to sense what they had to show. The information was a lot. It was possible futures for Katsuki and Camie, Shoto and Momo, Denki and Kyoka, Eijiro and Mina, and Ochako. But the information was... unstable. Incomplete. Izuku wore a look of confusion on his face.

"The future is always in motion," said a strange voice. It sounded almost like a mixture of all of his friends and allies' voices. He could hear Ochako, Katsuki, and Master Yagi among the strange sea of voices, "trying to understand all of it is like trying to understand the whole knowledge of the Galaxy at once."

Strange white lights descended from above him, giving a very comforting warmth. They then formed an odd looking shape that morphed into Master Yagi, wearing Jedi robes.

"But the future does have different shapes it can take," the thing said in Master Yagi's voice.

"What are you?" Izuku asked it.

"Is it really that hard to grasp?" It asked.

Izuku closed his eyes and was immediately hit with a sense of familiarity.

"You're a physicalization of the Light Side of the Force," he said.

"That is correct," it said, its voice changing to Katsuki.

When it morphed into Katsuki, Izuku saw a sight he didn't think he'd ever see. Rather than giving Katsuki his Mandalorian armor, he was in Jedi robes.

"Is there a problem?" It asked.

"It's just... I think I'd prefer it if you stick to one form," Izuku said.

"Very well then..." It flashed white and instantly transformed into what it, and he believed to be the incarnation of his light. It transformed into Ochako in Jedi robes.

"Is this better?" It asked in her voice.

"It's still weird. Can't you have her wear what she always does?" He asked.


"Well, because it... Never mind. What can you show me about the future?"

"The future is a fickle thing. Just as your future could be full of light, darkness could just as easily overtake it. Every decision, every action, every choice can lead to different outcomes. Some futures, you save everyone at the cost of your own life. Some, you and her, leave the others to be together living far beyond them."

"And others, you save them all by embracing the Dark," another strange voice said. Unlike the incarnation of light, this voice had a mixture of every bad or flat-out evil person he had come across.

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