Chapter 6

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Ochako led the way into a vast room filled with conveyer belts and machines. They were both in awe of the scope and how vast it was. They also wondered just how they would go about destroying the whole thing.

"Whoa," Izuku said.

"It's massive," Ochako said.

The foundry went up a good ten stories and down another several. There were mechanical arms and torches that assembled the droids alongside many other machines that chopped up sheets of metal. Hanging by other mechanical arms were hundreds of battle droids that were undergoing their last bits of maintenance before finally being shipped out to wreak their destruction.

"Okay, so how do we do this?" Ochako asked.

"I don't know," Izuku said, entering muttering storm, "I could cut the belts but that won't stop the process for a while and they probably have fail-safes so we'd have to take out the arms that are doing the work but we can't get all of them before we're completely overrun by droids. Maybe if we went up to the top, we'd be able to, but then we run into the problem of trying to destroy whatever is on top and--"



"It's just you were talking to yourself. I didn't know if it was a form of Jedi meditation or if you were just thinking out loud."

"S-sorry. Bad habit. But many thoughts aside, the best chance we have of destroying this place is heading to the top and sending everything cascading down."

"Sounds like a plan."

She drew her blasters from her hips, and Izuku drew his lightsaber. Izuku looked over at her with a minor look of confusion on his face.

"What is it?" She asked, tilting her head.

"Don't you have a jetpack?" He asked.

She spread her arms as if to asks "Really?"

"Poorest clan. We only have two jetpacks." She said.

"Oh. Sorry."

"So how are we getting up there?"

Izuku looked at all of the equipment that was assembling the droids. The arms were pretty far out of reach for Ochako to get up easily. Because he had the Force, he could get there rather easily. Just a few leaps and bounds . But without a jetpack, she would be stuck on the ground. He looked around the factory for any form of rocket droids. He found something else rather interesting.

"When did the Seps arrive, and did they take anything from you guys?" He asked.

"Like three months ago, and they stole some tech from us. Why?" She replied.

He extended his hand in the direction of what he saw. It was a rack of jetpacks of Mandalorian design. He pulled one towards them and handed it to her.

"Was this some of the tech?"

"This isn't ours, but it is Mandalorian! And I don't know which clan it is! The marking show it might be clan Bakugo or clan Wren, but I'm not sure."

She strapped it onto herself and was ready. Just before they could jump up, they heard the click of a blaster behind them.

"Hold it right there," they heard a robotic voice say.

"Karabast/Dank Farrik, they found us," they said at the same time.

They turned around and saw two B1 battle droids walking toward them with their blasters raised.

"What are two organics doing here?" One asked.

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