Chapter 24

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Katsuki strode forward, hands down at his sides, ready for a fight. He glared at Jin.

"I challenge you, one Mandalorian to another!" Katsuki screamed.

"No," Jin said.


"I accept the old code. I don't care if you invoked the old code. The fact is... it's for all our combat, and last I checked, you're not trained exclusively in hand to hand."

Katsuki looked like he was about ready to just pull out a pistol and shoot him on the spot. But his adherence to the Creed made him silent.

"And what makes you think I can't keep up with you?" He forced himself to ask calmly.

"Name one person with any hand to hand--"

"I fought an Inquisitor for five minutes and held my own easily," Katsuki boasted.

Jin's head straightened in surprise.

"And how could you have done that?"

"My blasters have a layer of Cortosis on them."

Jin chuckled at that revelation.

"Such a shame that they aren't made of Beskar. Otherwise..." He pulled out a sword from behind the throne, "you would actually be able to fight me properly."

The sword shined brilliantly in the light. When Jin knocked his fist against the flat part of the blade, it let out a resounding chime. Ochako and Katsuki looked horrified by the sword.

"You... You bastard! Beskar is meant to only be made to protect! Not kill!" Ochako said.

"Oh, I'm sorry, you are..."

"Ochako Uraraka. Heiress to the Uraraka Clan."

Jin's head tilted again.

"You know, Clan Uraraka doesn't exist anymore. After all of the adults left their children orphans, other clans took them in and raised them as their own warriors. So, you are a ruler over nothing with a kingdom nowhere. So... who do you think you are talking to me?"

Ochako looked like she was about ready to shoot him on the spot as well.

"If you can't find any weapon in this entire castle that can stand against my Beskar sword in an hour... Well, you're kinda going to have to forfeit."

"Guys..." Katsuki growled, "Armory. Now."

The ten followed Katsuki into a side room from the foyer. Inside were rows and rows of Mandalorian helmets, jetpacks, and blaster rifles. Katsuki found a couple of vambraces and put them on. He walked straight over to Izuku.

"Lightsaber. Now." Katsuki said.

Izuku grabbed the lightsaber from inside his green jacket. Katsuki pressed the ignition button. The lightsaber made a strange buzzing sound. It was then that he noticed the lightsaber had a cloth binding around it.

"Other lightsaber. Now."

Katsuki held the lightsaber back out to him. Izuku looked at his hip, where his other lightsaber was. He was extremely hesitant. He didn't really want to give him the symbol of his life. He already gave it to Ochako, and him giving it to Katsuki didn't feel right.

"Is there a problem?" Katsuki asked.

"A Jedi's lightsaber is like our armor," Ochako said before Izuku could explain, "It's something sacred to them. Something they can't just give to anyone."

Katsuki took a deep breath and let it out. Izuku could sense he wanted to do some major damage to him, but only because he needed to fight against Beskar, and lightsabers were powerful enough to fight against it.

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