The bologna incident pt2

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Sals pov

We decided to move the investigation to her apartment. Larry and Todd went to handle some things so me and (Y/n) looked around the apartments before entering Mrs Packerton room. Larry picked the lock and we were in. Immediately we were u it with a stench. "It smells like ass and old feet." Larry said with disgust. (Y/n) covered her nose. "Good lord! We better make this a short visit. I'm not sure how long we can take that stench."

Larry pointed at a farm painting. "Maybe she does own a farm." We we're too convinced though. Everything was locked with weird padlocks. Her freezer had a goat head but I wasn't convinced. We need to check the bedrooms. So after messing with a few things around the house and seeing a ghost of a goat. We got the bedroom door open.

When we got in we saw Mr Packerton chained against his bed. There were diapers everywhere. "He seems to be in a vegetative state." I spoke. I used my gameboy and I talked to the spirit ish of Mr Packerton. I decided to pull the plug so he could rest. He didn't know anything of the bologna but I don't blame him. He must've been chained up for years.

We were going to walk out but the front door opened. "She's back!" Larry spoke. I looked around and motioned to the dresser. All three of us went behind it. I put my hand on (Y/n) and my other on my pigtail. "If we don't make it our alive. I love you guys." Larry said scared. "I love you guys too." (Y/n) was looking at the ground. "Of course I love you guys. Your the best friend and only girlfriend I've ever had." We all closed our eyes when the door opened.

"Sorry to ruin the moment but what the hell is this place?" Ash voice made all of us open our eyes. "Ashley! You scared the crap out of us!" I got up shaking my head. "I can see that." She chuckled. "It's good to see you I thought we were done for." Larry exhaled. "What happened to babysitting?" (Y/n) asked. "My dad came home early so I rode over here straight away. Sorry for giving you guys a scare- is that Mr Packerton?" She cut herself off.

"He's in a better place." I said. "Oh yeah I found this key ring while we were hiding." Larry held it up. "Let's open the last door." Right when we did there was blood and tools. A slaughter factory basically. (Y/n) found a box that was locked. When I unlocked it she was the first to open it. She screamed and fell back. I caught her. "What the fuck is that?!" I opened it to see faces of people. Larry threw up and ash was close too. "Who are those people?" Ash said in shock. "This is gross. I can't with this." (Y/n) spoke trying to calm herself.

We decided to leave but ash saw something. It was a painting but looked a bit off. (Y/n) pulled it off to reveal a trash chute. "Weird this place doesn't have any of those." Larry said. (Y/n) tried to look down. "Hey be careful there." I was to late as she fell down. "(Y/n)!!" We all screamed. I started to freak out. "How do we get her out??" I looked down the chute. Ash and Larry started to talk but I didn't really hear cause I was freaking out then a vision appeared telling me to go to the basement. "Get Todd and meet me at the basement." Larry nodded and ash went with me.

(Y/n) POV
I fell down on something hard. When I opened my eyes I saw nothing but bones. "Holy shit!" I jumped up. "Where is everyone?" I looked around. "I fell down dumbass they wouldn't go down the chute and possibly crush me." I face palm talking to myself. I looked around noticing the interior. This has to be related to that cult stuff Larry and Sal were telling me. I was still looking around when a gate opened.

I saw Larry and Sal running to me. "(Y/n)!" They screamed. "Guys!" Sal wrapped his arms around me and I did the same. "What the hell is this place?" Larry said looking around. "Not sure I woke up on a pile of bones. Guess this is where Mrs packerton throws them all." Larry put his hands over his mouth trying not to throw up. "Let's go guys ash and Todd are waiting out there." Sal grabbed my hand and we went to where I assumed was the entrance.

Ash saw me and smiled hugging me. "Thank god your ok." I chuckled. We got up and I noticed the entrance was from the basement. "Well now there's a temple that's been here for who ever the hell knows." I sighed shaking my head. We were talking but at the end we all just went home like it was nothing. "Hey Sal can I maybe sleep at your place. If I can even sleep." I mumbled the last part.

"Yeah I was going to ask you the same thing." He chuckled. We went to his place where his dad was already sleeping. I patted Gizmo and laid on his bed. "This is some fucked up shit we're in sal." I rubbed my head. "Yeah honestly this couldn't get any worse. A temple right underneath is." It went quiet well ish. Sal was getting ready for bed so I was just listening to him walk around until he paused.

"You remember that drawing you did from when you passed out?" I though for a little. "Oh yeah that weird symbol my mom had." He picked up the drawing. "This was the symbol in the temple." My eyes widened. "You don't mean that my mom could..?" I thought about it for a little. "Is that why my eyes are different colors. Did she-?" This was a lot to process.

"I shouldn't have said anything. I didn't mean to freak you out." Sal sat next to me. "I just need to make sure of some things before I confirm with you." I stared at the ground. "No (Y/n) don't get involved with the temple. Your mom only drops off food so that good. If she finds out you're snooping she could tell her other people. I don't want you to be in that danger." I looked at Sal.

"I was raised by a women who brought a red eyed demon. And one of my eyes end up being red. Isn't that just too much of a coincidence?" Sal hugged me. I was clearly in a panic and couldn't think straight. I hugged him back until I felt a bit more calmer. "Let's just see if we can get some rest." I nodded as he took off his mask and turned off the light.

I laid my head on his chest hearing his heartbeat. He played with my hair and we just laid there in silence. "Why do like me?" I asked. "Is it because of what we're thinking what your mom could be?" "Just thinking." I drew on his chest. "And I know that you liked Ash when you first met her. So I was just wondering why me instead of her? I mean look at her. She's pretty and kind. Artistic and not a flaw-."

Sal covered my mouth. "(Y/n) I love everything about you. You were so kind to me when we first met. You didn't question anything about me. You welcomed me almost immediately as soon as you saw me. You didn't know anything about me but still you never looked at me weird. You were trying to prevent Travis from even going near me when I first enrolled. You cared about me and treated me like a human being when I just popped into your world."

He took off his hand and I smiled slightly. "Ash is kind and artistic and it was nothing more of just being a bit interested. You were someone I always wanted to be around no matter what time of day it was." I chuckled slightly. "Didn't know you had that side of you." I looked at him. "W-well you asked me too." I laughed at his blush.

I kissed his cheek. "Thank you Sal. Thank you for existing." I cuddled into his neck. "Thank you too for existing." He chuckled. We fell asleep like that and when we woke up and turned on the news Mrs packerton was killed in an accident. We sighed but there was nothing we could do.

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