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(Y/n) pov

School had started and I wasn't really a popular kid though Larry, ash, Todd, chug. Ok maybe I am but I don't consider it. I hang out with everyone and even once was close friends with Travis but after he kept calling Todd names I don't want to repeat I dropped him. He did start going after me calling me a freak for my eye color but he stopped realizing that I really didn't care for what he had to say. I was waiting for Sal by my door. He walked out and gave me a slight wave. "Ready for the first day." He scoffed. "I sure am." He said sarcastically. I chuckled. Larry and Todd were waiting in front. "Finally you guys take forever." Larry groaned. "But you just got here too." Todd said. We laughed as Larry tried to deny it.

We got on the bus and of course people stared at sal but we didn't pay them much attention. When we got to school we all got handed our schedule. I looked at Sal's and mine."Oh snap we have 4 classes together!" His eyes widened. "Really!?" I nodded. "We sadly don't have 5th or 3rd which would be pe and science." He shrugged. "At least I have a friend in most of my classes."

Larry then grabbed his schedule. "Yes dude we have 3 classes together." Larry higher fived him. Sal had ash for 2 classes and Todd for 1. "Well at least I'm not gonna be alone." Sal said nervously. I chuckled until I heard my name being called. I turned to see my other friend group. "I'll be back before the bell rings. See ya guys." I waved and walked to the other group.

Sal pov

(Y/n) walked off to another group. "Ya she's kinda popular." Ash said. "No she is popular." Larry looked at me. "But don't worry little dude she's still the same person as she is out there just she bounces around from group to group." I nodded. The school day began and I noticed throughout the day a yellow haired guy glaring at me. I ignored it but (Y/n) seemed to notice him. "Who's that." I asked during lunch time. "Travis. Don't ever talk to him please. He's not the best person out there." She spoke with a bit of an angry tone.

The school day ended and I was waiting for (Y/n) outside the classroom. "Who's that freak your hanging with?" I heard a voice from inside. I looked in to see that Travis guy talking to her. "He's not a freak." She simply said. "Then what is he with that stupid mask." (Y/n) was still grabbing her stuff trying to get out of there as fast as possible. "It's a prosthetic dumbass and don't ever insult it." She zipped up her bag. "Whatever he's probably a fag like your freak group." She put the bag on her shoulder and stared at him.

At a fast pace she stomped on his foot and mind you she's wearing doc Martin shoes and she made sure it was the heel part that made impact. He screamed and went down on the floor in pain. "Don't ever disrespect my friends ever fucking again." She stormed out of the room but when her eyes met mine they softened. "Ready to go?" I was shocked. "Uhm yea but you ok?" She nodded. "Like I said he's not a good person." We hanged out the whole day but I couldn't help and admire the way she defended us even though we weren't there.

To be honest I was scared she'd be different since she's popular but no she still the sweetest girl ever. "Hey Sal wanna go take a walk with me?" I looked to see the eyes that held nothing but kindness. I nodded. We walked out and walked around the apartment. "Do you like the night sky?" She asked. "Yeah I like it. It's peaceful to look at." She hummed in agreement. "I used to always fall asleep watching the stars. Always so pretty." My eyes wondered to the sky to her. She glowed beautifully with the moonlight that it was breathtaking.

I didn't realize she was still talking until I saw a hand wave in front of me. "Earth to sally face." I snapped out of it. "S-sorry I was just." She giggled. "It's ok Sal." She placed her hand on the left side of my mask. "I was staring at you too." She giggled. I blushed slightly. What a flirt she can be. She looked adorable when she was having fun. However a shout of her name stopped the fun. We turned to see a lady with her arms crossed. "Come that's my mom." She gently grabbed my hand and walked over to her.

"Hey mom. Have you met Sal yet." (Y/n) asked. She nodded. "Yes I had a bit of a run in with him on the way to the apartment." It really was a run in. We both weren't looking where we were going. "Oh ok well we just wanted to take a little walk then I'll be up." (Y/n) smiled though it seemed to be a bit forced. Her mom nodded and I didn't miss the smell of alcohol on her as she left. (Y/n) was super tense and kept watching as her mom left.

"Hey is everything ok?" She looked at me and nodded with a smile. "Anyways I have to head back home. I think Larry would like to see you before the day officially ends." I nodded and waved at her as she left. I stood out there watching her figure get out of my view. What is this feeling? Yes I know it's a crush but I had that with ash and now it's gone but it's different with (Y/n). I shook my head and went inside going to the elevator. I was still thinking about her when it opened at the basement. What I wasn't expecting was Larry standing infront of his door with his arms crossed.

"Oh hey Larry." He looked irritated. "Wow so I don't see you all after school and now your just gonna say hey Larry." I nervously chuckled. "S-sorry." I scratched the back of my head. "So you and (Y/n)?" He looked at me and that's when it clicked. He thinks me and her are a thing. "Uh no no no. W-were just f-friends." I stuttered flustered. He gave my a cocky smile. "Then why are you stuttering?" I froze up. "It's nothing like that. Me and her were just hanging out. And who would even want to be with someone like me." I mumbled the last part but he heard me.

"Don't ever let her hear that. She'll smack the shit out of you. But she's a good pick not my type but I think you two will be perfect." I kept thinking. Maybe I do want to be with her. "It's still too early to ask her yet. I've only known her for a few months and barely just went to school with her." Larry seemed to agree with me and we went inside his apartment. We played games and it was a bit quiet till I broke it. "What does (Y/n) mom do for a living?" Larry looked down.

"I don't really know. She always has formal business clothes on but I don't even think (Y/n) knows. Though I do want to mention be careful around her mom. She's not the best person." He answered. "Why what had happened?" I asked. "It was right when they moved in. So her parents were still together. For the first few nights you just heard yelling from them. Mr Addison even told my mom to tell them to shut up. Of course I never heard them from down here so I got nosy and went to see. Right when the yelling started I opened the door that was surprisingly open. And her dad was yelling at (Y/n) and her mom just sat on the couch watching tv as if it didn't bother her." My eyes widened.

"Did you hear why she was getting yelled at?" He scoffed. "About everything and anything honestly. He didn't like the way she laughed. Hated the way she talked. Pretty much he just said he hated her and wish she was gone." I felt bad. "When did they divorce?" Larry sat there thinking. "I'd say a month after being here. Though I heard that they never turned in the papers so I guess there still somewhat married." Larry shrugged.

"Wow I didn't expect her parents to be like that. (Y/n) is so nice and her parents are the exact opposite." He nodded. "Something had to have happened before they moved here and that's why she's the way she is." I laid back on his bed and remembering she told me about the red eyed demon. "She told me she saw him." Larry looked back at me. "You mean the red eyes." I nodded. "She's been seeing them. Ever since they came here she said." He mumbled shit.

"Well we got rid of him so that should be the end of it." I nodded at him and got up. "Well I have to head back home." He nodded and I left. Walking to my apartment I looked down the hall at (Y/n) apartment. I hope she's ok. I walked into my room and got ready for bed.

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