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Sal pov

It's been a year now since I've moved and it's still been fun with everyone. Ash had noticed how I kept hanging out with (Y/n) and kept giving me sly glances with a smirk. We were all at the lake. Ash, Larry, and Todd were swimming. I was gonna get in but I noticed (Y/n) didn't move. "Are you gonna go in?" She looked at me and gave me a smile that always made my heart jump a bit. "No I'm ok." I kinda felt bad and wanted to stay out here with her.

"No no you can go in Sal I'll still be right here watching. I won't be alone." She ended with a chuckle. I hesitated but nodded and got in the lake. I made sure my mask didn't touch the water. Larry and ash were having a splash war and Todd was trying to calm the situation. (Y/n) seemed to look at the birds smiling. I felt my face heat up not knowing why. It wasn't until I heard a chuckle and turned to see ash and Larry looking at me. They caught me staring and I know for sure they'll never let this go.

"Imma go get some snacks from the apartment I'll be right back." (Y/n) waved at us. I didn't feel comfortable with her alone. After learning that there was a cult I did not want her to be alone but knowing her she'd say no. "Dude." Larry was infront of me. "You good?" I nodded chuckling nervously. "I understand you like her but damn you don't always need to be attached to her hip." I punched his shoulder. "Shut up dude." He laughed. "I'm just messing around." He went back to ash and (Y/n) came back with some chips and drinks.

We got out after awhile. (Y/n) brought her stereo and was playing music. It's weird how she can go from metal to kinda casual songs. We were eating and the sun started to set. Ash had already left and Todd went to go study. "I guess I'll leave too dont want to be the third wheel." Larry joked receiving a smack on the head by (Y/n). "Shut it you." Me and Larry laughed.

He got up and waved to us going inside. "He's an idiot." She laughed. I nodded looking at her. She looked back and made eye contact smiling. "I really like your hair down. It looks really cute on you." My eyes widened and face turned red. "U-uh th-thanks." She laughed. "Sorry didn't mean to fluster you just meant to say the truth sally face." She stuck her tongue out.

"Wanna take a walk?" She asked and I nodded. We walked to another side of the lake and watched the sun go down. Or well she was watching I was pretending to while stealing some glances at her. I sound like a creep huh? It was silent but got interrupted as she started to talk. "Have you ever had a girlfriend?" I was but flustered at her question but shook my head.

"That's shocking." She said still looking at the sky. "I think any girl would be lucky to date you." I scratched the back of my neck. "Th-thanks I guess." She looked at me and smiled. "You're a weird boy." "What brought that up?!" She laughed at me. "In a good way I swear. But you just have this vibe to you where anybody can feel relaxed and comfortable around you. You don't judge anybody and hell you even hold a bit of sympathy towards Travis at times."

She paused before continuing. "This is insane to say but I-I love you Sal." My face heated up. Love? My eyes widened. I didn't know what to say. "You don't have to respond to that. I just wanted to get that off my chest." She stood up ready to leave but I stopped her. "I Love you too." She looked at me with shocked eyes. "Wait really?!" I chuckled a bit and nodded.

She got back down and looked at me as the moon came out. Her hands went to my mask. She went forward and kissed the mask where my cheek was. My eyes widened. She giggled. "Don't be so flustered." She teased. She grabbed my hand and we went inside the apartments to the elevator. It wasn't until I kept thinking the more I started to sadden myself. She'll hate my face. Knowing her she'll sugar coat it since she's nice and never talk to me again.

"Hey what's wrong?" She turned me to face her. "My face." I touched my mask. "What about it?" I shook my head. "When you see it you'll regret everything you just said about me." She started chanting no over and over. Grabbing both my hands she looked right into my eyes. "You don't leave me I don't leave you. Ever." I felt my eyes water. She just has to be saying that. She has to be.

"I meant it when I said I love you." I started to cry slightly and she hugged me. The door opened and we walked into my apartment to my room. Sitting on my bed she stared at my eyes. I started to get nervous then my hands went to behind my head unlatching the straps. She put her hands up. "You don't have to if your not comfortable." I shook my head. "I want to." I undid it and took a deep breathe before taking it fully off.

My eyes started to water again after she didn't say anything. "Wow you really are gorgeous." My eyes met hers and she had nothing but love in her eyes. I cried again and she held me. "I'm disgusting aren't I?" She shook her head. "No not ever Sal. Your so handsome. So beautiful." Her hands went to my cheeks her thumb wiping my tears and before i knew it her lips were on mine. Her lips were sweet like candy and I never wanted that taste to leave. Sadly it did as we gasped for air. She chuckled at me. "You have such an amazing kiss sally face." She winked at me.

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