Plan ask the girl

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Sal pov

It had been a week since then and me and her were as closer as ever. "Wait so your telling me you guys kissed?!" I just got done telling Larry everything and he was of course freaking out. I nodded at him. "Holy shit dude you got yourself a girlfriend." I froze. "I uhm kinda didn't ask her that." His smile turned into a frown. "Sal. Are you telling me you kissed her and didn't ask the most important question?" He stared right at me.

"W-well I kinda got lost in the moment." I scratched my head. "That has to change now. Plan ask the girl needs to happen." I tilted my head at him. "So how do I get her?" I asked. "Well how do you want to ask her?" I thought for a bit before answering. "She's not too complicated of a girl so maybe after a movie." Larry nodded. "She would love a horror movie date and some pizza." We both agreed. "Ok I'll help you get the pizza while you ask (Y/n) to meet you at your apartment at like 6." I nodded thanking him.

Walking out of his apartment I noticed chug by the vending machine eating chocolate. "Hey chug." I slightly waved. "Hey Sal." He munched on the chocolate bar. "You waiting for the vending machine to get restocked?" I asked and he nodded. "(Y/n) gave me this while I wait." He motioned to the chocolate. "Oh. Do you know where she is?" He took the last bite from the chocolate then answered. "Her usual spot. Feeding the homeless animals." I thanked him and went to the front of the apartments. I heard a little dog bark and stiffened but then I heard her laugh. "Your a playful one, huh?" She giggled.

I forget how much she loves dogs and yet I'm still terrified to be near one. I took a deep breathe before opening the door. It made a sound that caught the dogs attention. There was two puppies and what looked like it's mom. "Oh hey Sal." She waved with a big smile. I didn't move from the door. She got up and said bye to the dogs before grabbing my hand and walking inside the apartment. "What's up?" She asked.

I cleared my throat. "D-do you want to hang out at my place tonight?" She thought for a bit then nodded. "Ya I think I'm free tonight. What time?" I exhaled. "6." She nodded. "Ok I'll be there sally face~." She winked at me. I felt my face heat up. Thank god I have a mask. I got to my apartment and started to clean up. It was 530 and Larry came in with the pizza. "Dude you'll be fine. It's clear both of you guys are like in love." Larry said noticing how anxious I seemed.

"I know but like. I-Its just different this time. I'm actually going to ask her out." He sighed giving me a pat on the back. "If some how things mess up. You know where to find me." He waved and left. Soon after a knock on the door. My anxiety rises as I reached for the door handle. Opening it I saw her. "Oh hey (Y/n)." I already feel like I'm going to make it awkward.

"Hey Sal!" She chirped. I let her in and closed the door. "So what do you have planned?" She asked. "Uhm there's this horror movie I wanted to check out." I held up the dvd case. "No way I was just about to buy it." (Y/n) smiled widely. "I-I also got some pizza too." (Y/n) looked at me. "You spoil me too much Sal." I gently chuckled and we sat down on the couch and I played the movie.

Thank god my dad is working late so there wouldn't be more awkward tension in the air. I had a blanket out and we got under it. (Y/n) had a slice of pizza on a plate I gave her. I was still a bit uncomfortable with taking of my mask so I didn't grab a slice.

The movie was pretty good so far. The storyline wasn't too cliche and the jumpscares were on point. (Y/n) only jumped once and she laughed at herself afterwards. Seeing the way she was completely chill while I was stressing on when to ask her out. I didn't even realize she was getting closer to me.

It was when I felt something touch my shoulder and it was her head. I tensed up but slowly relaxed. I looked at the time and saw it was already 7. An hour had passed and I still have no idea what my next move is.

Soon the movie ended and (Y/n) applauded. "Amazing! I'm definitely gonna watch it again." She smiled. "Yeah it was good." I spoke. I took the plate (Y/n) had and put it in the sink. I was so nervous. What the hell am I supposed to do now? "You alright Sal?" (Y/n) voice startled me. "Uh y-yeah everything's fine." I stuttered.

"Really? You look like your overthinking again." She walked up to me. "It's ok. Breathe Sal. Relax." I took a few deep breathes. "So what are you thinking about?" Well so much for calming down. "I well uh." I kept struggling to find the words. I was getting irritated at myself.

"It's alright Sal. You don't got to say it if it freaks you out like this." I shook my head. "Dammit I just. Look I really really like you and your an amazing girl and I know we've already kissed but it's just really fucking hard to ask you out!" I finally let it out. (Y/n) eyes widened a bit. "Did I overstep?" I panicked a little until I heard her chuckle.

"So after what had happened you thought I'd say no to you?" I looked down at her question. "I know it's a bit stupid. I just." I felt hands on my shoulder. "Sal. I love everything about you. I confessed all that to you and it would make me so happy to be your girlfriend." I felt my face heat up and butterflies in my stomach.

She was my girlfriend now. I was in a relationship. Someone actually loves me. She doesn't care about what I look like. She loves me for who I am.

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