Finishing everything

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Sal pov
It's been an hour and (Y/n) and Diane weren't back. Me and Larry got worried and texted and called (Y/n). Getting scared I went outside to look for them. They weren't near the house and I almost gave up until something caught my eye. It was a note on our mailbox and what I read made my blood boil.

'Want your lover back?
              You know where to meet us

I crumbled the note and walked in the house. Larry could see from the way I stormed in I was pissed. "Dude what happened?!" He asked. "Travis fucking took them to the temple." I clenched my fist. "Alright let's go then." I nodded and went up to my room grabbing the guitar that Todd had given me and just in case I took my gear boy. Let's hope it still works.

We ran to the apartments where we rushed quickly into the temple and saw someone very familiar in the cage. "Neil?!" He was lifeless on the floor. "Holy shit dude!" Larry said pointing at another cell. In there I saw maple. Worry and anger took over me as I checked every cell. (Y/n) wasn't in any. I was about to sigh in relief when I heard footsteps.

A gate opened and there stood Travis and another person in their stupid cloak. "Nice to see you got my message Sal." I rolled my eyes. "Cut the shit and tell me where they are." He chuckled. "Oh you'll see them after all they are our main star." My patience ran thin and I tried to grab him but the other guy went infront of him causing me to grab him instead.

I made eye contact with him and saw something familiar in his eyes. "Sally face is that anyway to greet your new family" Travis laughed. I let go of the guy and he undid his cloak. I didn't recognize him but Larry sure did. "Josh? Dude is that you?" Larry eyes were widened. "Josh as in (Y/n) older brother?!" He chuckled at me. "Nice to see that my sister told you about me. Now tell me Sal has she told you our parents past?" What? What did he mean by that?

"By your eyes I can tell your confused. How stupid of her not to say." He laughed. "It just surprises me how she always supports you trying to end us but never mentioned our parents were once us." My eyes widened. "Y-you mean.." he nodded. "Our parents were in the cult." My jaw dropped. Did she really know? "Oh poor Sal. You thought you had the perfect fiancé but at the end of the day she's like everyone else who hate an-." I cut him off as I punched him in the face.

"Don't you dare talk about her like that!" I growled. Josh got up smirking but they backed up locking the gate. "You were right to never trust the police. But maybe you should've never trusted anyone." Josh turned to walk away. "Maybe if your fast enough you'll see your daughter be the sacrifice." My eyes widened. I started to tear up. "Dude calm yourself we have to get out of here." I nodded at Larry and after awhile we unlocked the gate.

We entered to what I remember was the center and the scene made me angry. (Y/n) was there with her arms chained to polls on each of her side. Her knees were chained to the ground and she looked out of it. Diane laid next to her with her arms and legs tied in rope. Todd was right behind them with his eyes red showing he was still possessed. Me and Larry tried to break the chains but it wasn't working. Right when we went to my daughter.

A gate opened and out came someone from the cult. I grabbed my guitar. "Larry try to lock pick the chain." He nodded. After every cult member I got rid of the closer Larry got to freeing (Y/n). He was so close only had her legs to unchain when it seemed Todd woke up and screeched making me and Larry cover our ears.

He held his hands up seemingly trying to summon something. Larry carefully carried on. He unlocked the chains but (Y/n) was still unresponsive. We didn't know what to do when I got a vision.

"N_th_ng w_ll __rk"

Huh what do you mean it won't work

"Co_t_ct her __om t_e ot_er s__e."

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