Epilogue 1 - PART III

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By the time the cherry blossoms in South Korea reach Seoul, you and Rosie grow back together. Everything blooms so beautifully, including your love.

Eight months of private bliss are allowed by the universe. Time is used to grow closer than ever before. Your 25th birthday is celebrated with Rosie. You meet her family after that, and she meets yours when they come to visit during the summer. As expected, your mother adores Rosie and treats her like the daughter she's always wanted, meanwhile, Amir remains starstruck and unable to get out more than a couple of words.

Unexpectedly, Rosie's parents are charmed by you too. They're so kind and lovely. Her father even asks when they'll get to meet you again. You wish you weren't so awkward around him sometimes though. Rosie says not to worry, it'll get easier soon.

Rosie hates how busy her schedule keeps her from seeing you sometimes. There aren't enough words, kisses, and materialistic gifts in the world to show you how much she cares, so she asks you to move in with her. She gets to see you every day and night then. Her parents are not so thrilled about the arrangement though. As traditional as can be, they argue Rosie should be asking for your hand in marriage before moving in together. Perhaps wait another couple of months to a year before committing to such a decision. Rosie complains about their input and how deeply involved they are getting ("I mean — it's not like we'll be recognized by South Korean law anyway!") but you smile at the idea and feel grateful for their concern. The time for marriage will arrive eventually — you both know that, even if the legal documents will have to come from somewhere else in the distant future.

In a year that felt like eight precious seconds, eight months passed by before you knew it. The wind is howling outside and snow blows at the windows on the day Rosie comes home from the company with the news you two have long dreaded waiting for.

"You're not identified yet, but there's been sightings of us posted online and they're starting to add up. It's no longer something that can be ignored or denied. To be honest, I'm really tired of it." Rosie says as you cuddle together sitting on the couch, her head resting against your chest like always when she needs comfort. You stroke her hair gently and stare ahead.

"I agree. It must be difficult having to not be honest with your fans too. They're so close to you," you exclaim. Rosie exhales a shaky breath and nods.

"It is. I know they'll be over the moon about this for me, but I can't tell them everything because of the public and that's so sad. They'll be shocked and I — I'll never be able to get through to them how sorry I am."

"Sorry for what? Being happy and in love? Finally coming out about your sexuality and being honest with yourself? Baby, that's something you celebrate. It will never be something you apologize for. It's you — and if they can't accept that, they don't deserve you."

"I know. It's just that when you hide something about yourself for so long, you can't help feeling sorry for hiding it. They'll be shocked, confused, maybe even feel a sense of betrayal... like they were being lied to."

You lean to kiss Rosie's head, then you lift her hand and kiss it too. "My love, you know how envious I am of your kind beautiful heart — but it's so big that sometimes it's too big for your own good. It's okay to let this be about you. Those who truly care will understand the circumstances you were under and that this was something out of your control. They'll stay with you, and all of your family and close friends will be here for you too."

Rosie lifts your hand and kisses it too, then she kisses your cheek. "You don't have to act like you'll be alright either, love. We're both gonna go through this. Everything's going to change — and to you, I feel sorry most of all."

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