Epilogue 3

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We hold hands alone on the elevator ride down to the lobby. A moment before the doors open, Y/N turns to me. She gently kisses the back of my hand and smiles as she gazes into my eyes. Then we let go and stand apart, maintaining a respective distance with her in the front while I am a few steps behind. This hidden privacy in our relationship is like second nature at this point, but a moment like now still never fails to make my heart race.

After the doors open, I tilt my head to peek from behind Y/N and see Sam waiting for us with a phone in his hand. He wears a sky-blue polo shirt and black dress pants, he grew out his blonde hair too. I'm reminded of those surfer guys I'd see catching waves on the beaches in Australia. Y/N begins walking out of the elevator while I follow a few steps behind. When Sam notices us coming towards him, he eyes the distance between me and Y/N with a grin.

"Well, aren't you two a sight for sore eyes!" He calls. I start smiling while Y/N shakes her head.

"I could say the same for you too. Where's your surfboard dude?" She teases him back.

These two still haven't changed one bit. "Gosh,' I say. 'You two haven't seen each other in a whole year and this is how you greet your best friend?"

Both of them look at me as though I'm speaking a foreign language. It takes an awkward moment, but then Y/N's puzzled frown breaks down into a smile. She turns back to Sam. "She's right, we should probably hug or something."

He nods thoughtfully. "Good thing I'm a hugger." I chuckle as they hug, and then Sam widens his arms for me too. "It's great to see you again, Rosie."

"You too Sammy,' I reply as I hug him. 'You look good!"

"Sammy?" Y/N raises an eyebrow. I laugh as Sam tightens his hold on me and sways our embrace from side to side.

"Mmhm,' he replies. 'That's right. Your girlfriend has a cute nickname for me. Isn't she just the sweetest?"

Y/N crosses her arms and gives a rye smile, not seeming very amused. "Yeah... I know she is."

"Alright now,' I release from the hug. 'Let's get going, shall we?"

Both Sam and Y/N say yes, and together the three of us make our way to the lobby's main entrance/exit. As we near the doors, Y/N halts us and then faces Sam to ask, "You didn't see any paps or fans outside, right?"

A blank expression crosses Sam's face. "Uh... I didn't think to check," he answers.

Y/N frowns. "Seriously — are you a bodyguard or not?"

"Hey, I was just really excited to see you again!"

"Guys,' I intervene in their little argument. 'It's okay. We'll just head out with you two acting as my unofficial guards. It's a short distance to the car anyway."

After a short pause, Y/N nods at me. "Fine,' she says. 'But I'm checking the area first. Sam will stay here with you. Oh, and wear your face mask before we head out."

"My mask? Oh shoot, I think I forgot..."

"I made sure to put an extra in your purse. First pocket, you can't miss it."

With that, we watch her turn and walk outside the doors in a somewhat professional manner. I open my purse and search inside it curiously. Sure enough, I find the face mask exactly where Y/N said it would be. A warm smile creeps onto my face. "Aww... she put the black one she knows will go well with my outfit. It suits my face too."

Sam smirks as he eyes the mask in my hand. "The one she knows will look good or the one you told her will go well with it? Last I remembered, Y/N's not so much of a person into fashion or girly things."

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