Chapter 51

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I Get To Love You - Ruelle

It's a perfect day for your best friend and the love of his life, of course.

You're so glad you had the hindsight to bring an emergency handkerchief in your clutch purse. It's put to much-needed use as you watch Sam and Kevin recite their vows at the altar. The beautiful looks of love in their eyes, their adorable nervousness, and the romantic yet comfortable atmosphere of the wedding venue make your heart swoon. Seeing the tinge of blush on Sam's face alone causes joy. You don't want to miss a single moment.

Sam was never the serious commitment type. If there's one thing you bonded with him over, it's the fact that you've both come from broken homes. When Sam was little, his parents divorced. He saw their ugly fights and what love did to foolish people. Something within him was convinced that anybody who got near would simply use him and leave, so why should he bother at all? But that all changed when Kevin came along.

Not only did Sam fall for a man during the tour, keep him secret and go through a mess of feelings to configure, but he also came to terms with something about himself along the way too. He doesn't have a preference when it comes to gender and sexual orientation, he's attracted both romantically and sexually to any of them. In other words, he's pansexual.

It's not like you could have been mad at him for keeping Kevin a secret. Turns out you were both hiding from each other. If this wasn't the case, Sam would have found out about Rosie a long time ago. He was too focused on his private matters instead. You both ended up confessing everything to each other, and in the end, everything was okay — almost everything. You're not the one standing with the love of your life at the altar.

Rosie has entered your mind again. Too many times today of all days.

What is it about weddings and reminiscing on past lovers? You should be focused on your best friend having the happiest day of his life, and yet, your thoughts are somewhere else. It's not that you're jealous — gosh no — you couldn't be happier for him, but you can't get past that heavy feeling in your chest. That desire. The wish to be just as happy.

Your gaze lowers to the floor. There's a reflection of dancing light on the dark laminated hardwood, giving a warm glow to the atmosphere.

I wonder what she's doing. How she's been. She could be anywhere in the world and I wouldn't know.

You shouldn't be thinking about this but it's not like you can help it. For so long, everything had reminded you of her. From the acoustic guitar collecting dust in the corner of your room to every happy couple you see walking the streets. Once you fall for someone, your whole world looks like love. You shake your head and look down.

With warm palms, you smoothen the front of the skirt of your dress. It's a long one. Golden, sparkly, and fitted to your womanly figure with just enough cleavage leaving little to the imagination. Looking hot at your best friend's wedding is a must. You received many compliments today, that besides the grooms, you're someone everyone wants to look at. A bachelorette of interest for the single twenty-something-year-olds at this wedding. You just smiled graciously and accepted the compliments, however, you're not that interested in the potential suitors to take home. Today is a day to celebrate and have fun with the people you call family. Maybe it's small — but it's yours.

As the sun sleeps on the horizon, the moon rises and with it does the night's festivities. The DJ's music fills the room from the thumps of his large speakers. A crowd of familiar faces forms in front of the stage. You stand off to one side from the dance floor and take a sip of your cup of water, grinning and laughing at Sam being hoisted up by Kevin's buddies. They rest Sam on their shoulders and heave him half a foot in the air before he falls back down. You're astonished at the way they managed to get the big guy up. Granted, it takes about four men to get the job done.

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