[4.67] parties

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The group stood in the hall, yet another rather interesting and physically urging performance by Jenny Joyce and her friends who didn't seem to notice how awful what they were doing was. "Boke, boke, projectile boke," Erin joked, actually looking a little paler than usual as if she were going to boke. Chip and James both sniggered, as expected but the distinct lack of laughter from a curly headed brunette was great cause for concern.

"Fucking hell my head," Chip mumbled as a particularly sharp pain pinched her brain. She sighed and leant her head against James' shoulder, taking off her glasses so she could rub her temple. The withdrawal headaches were absolutely abolishing her head, making the cravings grow significantly. James dug into his pocket then pulled out a stick of nicotine gum, which she took with a thankful smile and placed into her mouth just as he kissed into her hair.

The assembly ended after the usual heartfelt comments from Sister Michael that often had Chip internally chuckling. They all filled out of the building and headed to the shoot in which they usually spent that morning's free period. When Chip had to force herself in between Chelle and Erin, into a row of three that scarcely made it down the corridor, she could strongly feel the absence of Clare that always hung about in the air. "Has anyone actually decided which way they're gonna vote for this referendum thing?" Chelle asked abruptly, changing Chip's thoughts away from something saddening.

"Since when did you get all political?"

"Aye, I thought you said it was a load of bollocks," Chip added with a soft furrowing of her brow.

"I'm not all political," Chelle quickly defended, only adding to Chip's intuition that something was going on deeper in Chelle's mind. "Everyone keeps banging on about what a big deal it is."

"Well, it's timing couldn't be any worse," Erin grumbled, pure annoyance flooding her words.

James prevented himself from scoffing with a brief hesitation, "I'm sorry, is the Good Friday Agreement stealing your thunder?"

Erin's frown deepened, "A bit yes."


After a brief discussion with Jenny, where Erin found out that she had planned a party for the exact same day aaas Erin's, the frustration practically radiated off of her as she devoured a bag of strawberry pencils. They, baring Chip, were all sat on tables whilst listening to James rattle off information from the well decorated invite that Jenny had handed them previously. "Champagne on arrival."

"Real champagne?" Erin scoffed, taking a bite of the strawberry pencil that she had previously wagged about in the air.

"Hor d'oeuvres," James continued reading, finger tracing the words on the paper as he read.

"Is that them wee tiny sandwich things?" Michelle responded with a curious frown as she opened up a bag of crisps.

"Aye with the wee green shit on the top," Chip responded as she took a sweet from Erin's bag as she sat down next to her. She had been pacing previously, unable to sit still due to the cravings that made her lef feel awfully jittery and caused her hands to shake. She sat facing James, back to Michelle, as she took a bite of the strawberry pencil. Having not had one in a long while, the nostalgic taste gave her such a spike of joy that she wondered why she had ever refused to eat such a small thing.

"Oh my god! Riverdance!" James suddenly exclaimed, so loudly that he gathered attention from various other girls in the room who all looked at him with a raised brow of judgement.

"J love, headache," Chip mumbled, fingers massaging her temple as the sudden spike in volume had sent a shockwave of pain through her mind. He sent her a quick but fully apologetic glance.

Michelle chuckled, "Why does everyone lose their shit over Riverdance?"

"Jesus Christ, this is practically the Oscars. Our party doesn't stand a chance," Erin mumbled dishearteningly, popping another sweet from the bag into her mouth to dull the building anxiety inside.

Michelle grinned like she had a secret and stepped forward, grasping Erin's attention away from her bag of pick and mix. "You have something Jenny Joyce doesn't have... The Commitment."

Erin's eyes widened, "What?"

"So, I know her nephew, a bit, and it turns out he fancies the hole off me. Story of my life...And he said he can get her to play your party if I snog him for three minutes and twenty two seconds," she grinned victoriously, watching as Erin's face absolutely lit up at the news.

"That's really precise," James commented with a soft scoff of bewilderment.

"It's the length of Virtual Insanity by Jamiroquai," Chip responded with a shrug. Chelle had, on multiple occasions, rambled about that song to her and replayed it so many times that Chip didn't particularly like the song anymore. Michelle, mouth full of crisps, pointed at her and nodded to confirm that Chip was correct.

"Great track," Orla nodded her rather distant reply, mind more focused on whatever trinket she had pulled out of her pockets that morning.

"Oh and Erin, Eoins coming too," Chip added, deciding that now was the perfect time to give such news.

"Grand," Erin grinned, beginning to feel excited about her party once again. She looked forward to the date instead of dreading it completely, suddenly Orla's choice of theme did not seem too repulsive.

"Can I have a crisp?" James asked Michelle after he cleared his throat, having been struck with a craving for salt and vinegar.

Chelle chuckled, "Fuck off."

"Can I have one?" Chip asked softly and Michelle did not hesitate to pluck one out of the packet and hand it to her. Ciara smiled jokingly at James as she popped the crisp into her mouth.

James stammered, looking between his girlfriend and his cousin. "Favouritism!"

Michelle scoffed jokingly, "Aye, so?"

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