[3.61] tickets

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Ciara had forced herself to confess everything to Rosa a mere few days after the jeans had started to fit again. And after a discussion about the lying and how that was not good for her progress, they came up with a plan. Rosa bought a new pair of jeans, from the same brand, just a size bigger and had a tailor put that pocket that she so loved onto the bigger jeans. Those jeans that she had cut back and squeezed to get into were thrown into the fire, completely burnt to cinders. But her new jeans, which were now the exact same as the others, were just a little too big. Incentive to stop the cutting and start gaining again. That, paired with some other things and some deep therapy work about her triggers, had her set back on the right path again.

Chip absolutely adored halloween, she always had. She didn't quite have a reason for it but the day had always been such an event in her house that she always looked forward to it, sometimes even more than christmas. Now, despite the fact it felt a little hollow without the scary movie marathon with her brother, Chip still adored the holiday. This year Halloween came with a grand addition, a Fatboy slim concert.

"What if they sell out?" Clare worried as they walked into the music shop where the tickets were being sold. It was a small record shop that Chip had walked passed multiple times but had never gone in, thinking that they'd be too expensive and wouldn't have the ones that she wanted. She preferred to just steal from her brothers collection or buy from charity shops, they usually had good ones.

"They won't, I asked my Ma to light a candle," Erin grinned, clutching onto her purse as she scanned the room.

"I can't believe we're going to see him play live, I mean, the man's a genius," James grinned as he stared at the cardboard cut out that advertised the concert.

Ciara, seeing a bin of records with a label that greatly intrigued her began to flick through all the records. She, upon finding one that intrigued her, pulled it out of the bin and gasped softly as she checked the price. "Holy shit, have you seen the price on these?"

Chelle''s brow furrowed in intrigue, "Expensive?"

"No, criminally cheap," Chip responded with a smile, clasping the three records that she had picked out of two bins in her arms.

"We really need to decide on our costumes, girls. Time is ticking. Poundstretcher has already run out of glitter," Clare emphasised, eyes filling with that panic that they could all now easily recognise within her eyes.

Michelle, like the others, gasped, "Fuck off!"

"I was thinking of angels, you know, like Claire Danes in Romeo and Juliet," Erin quickly suggested and it was quickly obvious that many of the others agreed.

"I like it. Simple, classic."

"Clare. See that girl?" Michelle asked lowly, making sure the girl behind the counter would not hear. "Her name's Laurie. She's a lesbian."

Chip tuned out what she was sure would have been a rather interesting conversation, where Clare stressed and the others attempted to calm her down, as she had become quickly distracted by a bin at the side of them. Unexpectedly, she seemed to stumble across someone's stockpile and she could not resist digging out the good titles. Only her hands were full. So she turned and whispered, "J, can you hold these for me for a sec?" He smiled and took them from her, leaving her hands free to delve into the bin. Within seconds, she had pulled out a further two - one of which was a record that she had wanted for ages but had never found.

Chip turned back to the counter just as it was their turn, her and James' arms were now full of the records she planned to spend the rest of her allowance on - after securing the tickets of course. "Hey there," the woman behind the counter, who Chip could tell Clare liked quite significantly, greeted as they approached.

"Hi, I'm a lesbian!"

Laurie, stunned by Clare's sudden profession, hesitated. "Congratulations. How many of you are there?"

"S-six," Clare stammered, her panicked gaze now trained onto Laurie. "I mean, six please."

Laurie smiled subtly, then it fell as she suddenly remembered her job, "Well, this is your lucky day. Only six left."


"Thank you Jesus," Erin exclaimed as she held her hands to the sky in prayer.

Some random person didn't seem as happy about that situation as they were and suddenly yelled, "This isn't fair! They skipped us!"

Michelle turned to the man who was shrouded in a dark hoodie and a rather foul look on his face. Chip had never seen so much hatred come from a person, it was honestly rather unsettling. Michelle however didn't seem as bothered as she spat, "Balls we did!"

"It's the truth, I swear," the man pressed, this time directed to Laurie who just looked with wide eyes. Without an answer or an idea of what to do, the man turned back to the group of girls that had stolen his tickets. He pointed to the one male and scowled, "I'll fight him for them."

Pure fear crossed James' face as he quietly blurted, "Excuse me, please?"

"Me, you. Outside. Now. Let's go."

"Me? Why me?" James stammered, terror raising the hairs on the back of his neck. Ciara, sensing this was not going to be good, quickly brought her records to the counter so she could buy them before everyone filtered out of the store to watch the so-called fight between the man and James. Chip knew him well enough to know that there was absolutely no way he would ever lay a finger on the man and, given that he was pretty much two times smaller than him, it was a pretty good idea. So she wasn't particularly concerned for his well being, more how he was going to get himself out of the situation. Chip thought of options too but couldn't settle on one. The man scoffed as if that was a stupid question, "I'm hardly gonna fight a girl now, am I?" 

Basorexia - J.MAGUIRETahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon