[3.48] police

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"Okay ladies... We'd just like to ask you a few questions," an older man, who was apparently the head of the police force, began. They were all sitting in a rather dank old room, no windows and a singular door. Luckily the group hadn't been searched upon arrival, so Ciara basically figured that she- unless physically booked - was in the clear on the whole drug in boot front. James however had extra levels of anxiety and continuous shuffled in his seat, gaze falling on Ciara's shoes about as often as it made its way to the police officer in front of them,

"Nice uniform," Michelle complimented in her usual flirtatious tone, a soft smile pulling at her lips. Chip, even though she was used to this behaviour by now, still rolled her eyes and frowned softly. There were certain things that were off limits when involving the police and that, in her eyes, was one of them.

"Okay sir. I would just like to state for the tape," Erin began while leaning forward, as if speaking into an imaginary microphone.

"There is no tape," the office interrupted, brow furrowed in confusion at her actions.

"That we are completely and totally innocent and this is a horrific miscarriage of justice," Erin continued without a moment's hesitation, still speaking into the microphone that they all knew did not exist. Chip sighed softly and swung one of her legs over the other, getting comfortable as she figured they were going to be in there for a while.

"Here's where we're at, girls. We've had several reports of suspicious activity on the grounds of our Lady Immaculate College this evening. Following these we discover you six on the premises. The locks on the side food had been forced and the alarm system deactivated. Now, we can't get hold of the headmistress but the caretaker has informed us that a substantial amount of computer equipment seems to have vanished."

"We didn't take it," Erin was rather suspiciously quick to insist. The entire group's inability to keep their cool rather shocked Chip, given things that they had gotten up to in the past.

His gaze narrowed, "What were you doing there girls?"

She had suspected Clare would be the one to fall into the ramblings that Erin was giving off but Clare hadn't said a word. Erin stammered and went through various responses to the question asked, not able to fall onto one. Then suddenly, just as Chip was going to intervene with a calm explanation that wouldn't get them into much trouble if believed, Erin suddenly bursted out with a demand. "We would like to speak to our solicitor please!"

"All in good time..."

Erin's brow cocked as she stared the officer down, eyes full of insulation. "Why can't we speak to our solicitor? Are you trying to stitch us up?"

The officer just about rolled his eyes as he responded, "And why would I do that?"

"Because we're Fenians," Michelle suddenly interjected, settling a thick and immovable tension through the room that pretty much sucked the breath from many lungs.

"Now that is a very serious accusation girls."

Erin, who thought she had finally managed to get one up over the officers -the literal people who could arrest them at any given moment - smiled subtly as she faked innocence and asked, "Are you denying that your organisation is prejudiced? How many Catholic officers are serving in your organisation at this time?"

"I think we're losing sight of who's questioning who."

"How many?" Erin repeated, practically looking straight through the officer as if she already knew the answer. To be fair, if their roles were reversed, she would be a pretty good interviewer. She just seemed to have a pretty good method of getting things out of people.

"Three," the officer reluctantly divulged, noticeably appearing further uncomfortable by the discussion at hand.

Erin scoffed, "In the entire police force? I would like to speak to our lawyer immediately."

Clare, who had been getting increasingly more fidgety in her seat as time passed, suddenly announced, "It was Hans. Hans and his friend, they did it!"

"Hans?" the officer echoed, glancing at his side where one of his colleagues sat. The two shared a bewildered look then turned their attention back to the six in front of them. "Okay before this goes any further you're minors. We need to get a parent or a guardian down here immediately. Who would you like us to call?"

"Can you just give us a minute?" Michelle inquired and once met with a nod, the group all turned in theri chairs and faced away from the officers.

"We can't call my Ma!"

"Neither mine, I'd be hung, drawn and quartered."

"Well we're not calling my Ma, nor Orla's she's just an extension of my Ma."

"Mine neither!"

"What about someone's dad?" James suggested softly, looking to all the girls for an answer.

"Unless you've got a shovel and some miracle grow, I'm out."

"Da's can't be trusted," Erin grumbled whilst the girls and James all stared at Ciara in shock, eyes wide at a comment that just didn't seem to bother her at all.

"Well who then?"

"Could ring Eoin? He's technically an adult and he won't ask questions. Say he's like a cousin or something," Ciara suggested softly at the very time the idea popped into her head. She knew that Eoin would be down, as they had acutely discussed this situation once or twice about if she ever managed to get caught with something she was not supposed to have.

Erin blushed at the thought. "As much as I'd love to see him and his motorcycle again-"

"What is with the motorcycle, I don't understand!" James suddenly interrupted, a certain look passing through his eyes. Chip had never seen such a look before and, given that they were literally in a police holding room, she couldn't really question him about it.

"I've got a better idea," Erin continued with a grin that had them all questioning her intentions.

Erin's completely genius idea to bring her Uncle Colm, who was quite a chatter, into the situation worked a treat. They were out of the police station in a mere thirty five minutes. Colm had chatters and wore them down to the point of their release. The group joyfully walked out of the station with smiles of relief plastered on their faces. And Chip, well she just walked home - smoked the remnants in her boot - and fell asleep

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