[1.10] eoin

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After Cal had dropped her off outside the Doctor's office, Ciara had hidden amongst the shrubbery to smoke out of other people's appalled gazes as she had the time to kill and wasn't about to wait inside the office for the twenty minutes that she was early. She managed to make the cigarette last about eight of those twenty minutes and sighed deeply as she made the decision to walk inside the office, seeking the warmth that came with indoors.

She sat in the seat furthest away from everyone else after signing in, not wanting to be forced to strike conversation with someone she did not know or want to talk to. Her knee bounded up and down sporadically, her inability to sit still for this long shining through. The office had a strict policy against headphones and music by extension, leaving her alone with her thoughts. Which was not the most ideal situation ever but at least she was no longer shivering.

"Holy shit Chippers," a voice, who stood before her now, whispered. Ciara physically jumped, having not expected to be brought out of a deep thought by anyone, let alone a friend she had not seen for at least four months. She had met him in one of her inpatient treatments and they had been the closest of friends throughout the entire thing. Thousands of memories, both good and bad, flooded through her mind the second that she looked up at him.

"Eoin you asshole," she grumbled, chuckling softly as he took the seat next to her. Eoin, who looked to be freshly eighteen, looked so completely different to how she had known him but she could tell it was him from the very familiar look in his eyes. When paired with the mischievous grin that almost always pulls his lip into a smirk, she instantly knew it was him despite the change in hair and the dozen tattoos that now littered his arms. His hair, instead of being buzzed, was now so long that it fell around his eyes and looked so perfectly untidy yet she knew that he wouldn't have bothered putting any effort into it.

"You still with W?" he asked softly, trying not to draw attention to the two of them even after their loud reunion. Eoin understood Ciara to a level that no one else did and shared her hatred for having the attention of the room for whatever reason. He sank in his seat just as she did, both trying to make themselves as small as possible.

"Aye," she laughed softly, looking around the room to see if anyone had noticed the two of him hidden in the corner. "He hates his job and really doesn't care. I mean I got away with the stones in the bra thing and he even asked if I had anything like that on me," she whispered, making sure that no one was around to hear. She knew from previous experiences that there were cameras in the hall but they did not pick up any sound, thankfully.

"Wow, what a shit Doctor," he agreed with a similar laugh. Only this laugh sent her straight back to their time in inpatient. The deep guttural chuckle reminded her of the time that they had both snuck out in the middle of the night for a smoke, ended up getting caught and were forced not to see each other for a few weeks as punishment. Of course they both found ways around this and managed to cause even more havok to the point where the nurses just let them see eachother again.  "Ainsley's pretty good, you should ask to switch. "

She sighed, deciding in a split second that a change of subject was needed. She could not deal with the fear of switching doctors, knowing that if she was with anyone but Dr.W her lies would be found out and her deepest secrets revealed. She could not stand the thought of it, or the fact that they would have different methods to get her to recover. An act that she was not in any way shape and form ready for, not in the slightest. "How come I haven't seen you here before?" she questioned with a soft smile.

"I'm on a monthly thing now and the day changed because of work," he explained, fidgeting with one of the many rings decorating his hands. He had easily caught onto her act of deflection and was starting to notice the warning signs that no one else saw - the blurriness of her eyes, the discreet hollowing on her cheeks and the fact that all her clothes were baggy. It could have mostly been a style choice but she just looked awkward underneath all the fabric, as if it were held together by safety pins in the back.

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