[1.17] drunk

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"Chip it's Chelle!" Mammy's voice boomed up the stairs, the sound rumbling the floorboards. Ciara, who was standing in the middle of a breakdown in front of her scales once again, pulled on her jumper and ran down the stairs as quickly as she could without falling. She stood at the phone for a few seconds, hand covering the receiver, as she took deep breaths to counteract the breathlessness from her sudden sprint.

"Aye Chelle?"

"Party tonight, Jenny's. With the exchange people. You in?"

Ciara leaned back on her heels, looking through the door to the kitchen to see if her Mammy was listening in. Thankfully, she was not and Chip would be able to get away with sneaking out. "Oh aye."


Ciara stood with Michelle in Jenny's house, the two of them passing a near empty bottle back and forth as they looked around for the others. "Have you got a Union Jack splashed across your tits, Clare?" Michelle yelled upon the instant that Clare appeared in front of the two of them.

"I'm making a point!"

"Is the point to get beaten up?" Chip asked with a much different tone to Michelle's, one of complete and genuine concern for her.

"It should be meaningless. These are just colours and shapes. This flag is not an identity," Clare rambled with great gusto, enthusiastically pointing to her flag on her chest. She stopped her rambling as Orla appeared next to them, face slathered in chocolate from the fountain and a stick of marshmallows in her hand.

Ciara chuckled, "Enjoying the chocolate fountain, Orla?"

"Very much so," she responded, nodding sincerely as she began to pick at the sweets on the skewer. "Yes!" she suddenly exclaimed joyfully as their song blared out of the speakers.

Michelle grinned, yelling over the noise, "Tune!"

"I've lost Katya," James sighed, anxiously looking around his surroundings in search of her.

"Good," Erin responded shortly and almost threateningly.

"Let's hit the floor, girls!"

Rows and Rows of people formed on the dance floor but they managed to fight for the middle, the prime spot in Michelle's eyes.

"Ach, Erin if she wants to ride James, just let her ride James."

"Don't you just love it when they talk about you like you're not there?" Ciara laughed, looking to her side where James was. She smiled as she caught him already looking at her, anxiously checking he was doing the right moves at the right time.

"Best part of my day," James grumbled sarcastically, the two of them laughing as they turnt to face the other way.

She cleared her throat, "In all seriousness though like, are you sure you want to go through with this Katya thing?"

He hesitated for a moment, a split second that Chip thought had told her all she needed to know. "I think so. I mean, um. Yeah."

"You don't sound so sure about that there James," she responded without looking to him. When no reply came, she glanced to her side and found that he had completely disappeared. With a frown, she turned to her other side and saw that everyone had also left. So she walked off the dance floor and went to the kitchen, searching for something that could quickly get her much drunker than she was.

Twenty minutes later, Ciara stood in the corner of the room and watched as people danced, feeling rather uneasy in herself. Her eyes were glossed over and her piercing gaze never once settled for more than a few seconds, darting in various directions while a numbing yet tingling feeling spread all through her legs. Ciara hadn't been this drunk in a while and she greatly enjoyed the feeling of her dulled thoughts and the fact that everything was just a little bit more calm then usual. She was so completely gone that she did not notice any sort of confrontation with everyone else, nor did she notice the girls leaving.

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